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I have a health ministry for friends, family, and health lovers world-wide. I choose natural options whenever possible and avoid chemicals, food additives, etc. even in my cosmetics. I eat mostly organic whole foods. You’ll find lots of healthy recipes and great health research on this site.

Friday, July 23, 2010

Why is Utah one of the healthiest states in the US despite having about twice the national average of uninsured residents? Let's do our part to protect our natural health options in the US (see below)

Why is Utah one of the healthiest states in the US despite having about twice the national average of uninsured residents? Let's do our part to protect our natural health options in the US (see below)


Just a few weeks ago, Time Magazine published data that shows the State of Utah spends less per capita on health care than any other state in the country. And yet, that same article published data showing that Utah has one of the longest life expectancies in the U.S. In fact, a separate study cited by Forbes Magazine placed Utah among the top 5 healthiest states in the country as measured by several criteria.

But that's not all. The studies cited by Forbes also indicate that 32% of Utah residents are uninsured. That's about twice the national average.

Doesn't this defy conventional wisdom? Well, consider this: Utah has one of the highest concentrations of natural supplement manufacturers, and highest gross sales of natural supplements per capita in the country.

Is this just coincidence or is there a connection? Sure, there's more to this story than just these statistics. But isn't it worth a closer look? We sure think so.

Please write to the directors of the new White House Office on Health Care Reform. Tell them that natural health principles and products must be considered in any steps to reform health care in our country. You have a few options:

1. Use our form letter from the link on our home page. Just print, sign and send.

2. Email the Obama Transition team directly. Use this link. Use the phrase "natural health" constructively and frequently.

3. Send your own letter to the White House Office on Health Care. You don't have to use ours. But if natural health principles and products are important to you, take the time to do something about it. The address is: The White House Office of Health Reform, Attn: Sen. Tom Daschle & Deputy Director Jeanne Lambrew, c/o Center for American Progress, 1333 H St. N.W. 10th Floor, Washington, D.C. 20005

And remember, please share this effort with everyone you know who believes in natural health.

Happy holidays and thanks for your support. Donate here.

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