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I have a health ministry for friends, family, and health lovers world-wide. I choose natural options whenever possible and avoid chemicals, food additives, etc. even in my cosmetics. I eat mostly organic whole foods. You’ll find lots of healthy recipes and great health research on this site.

Monday, February 28, 2011

Oral Sex: Cause of Throat Cancer Rise (Experts Fear Epidemic)

Note from Miriam:
This is a msg that is rarely heard until it is too late and someone's life has been destroyed and turned upside down from the diagnosis. By the way, HPV vaccines are not the answer to this problem. There is no proof whatsoever that they actually help to prevent HPV, but they have proven to be extremely dangerous due to the many disabilities and deaths they have caused! Condoms don't prevent HPV either. That leaves just one obvious option: abstinence! Spread the knowledge and help prevent spread of the disease!

"My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge..." Hosea 4:6

Experts Say They Fear Epidemic of Throat Cancer Caused by HPV Infection

By Salynn Boyles
WebMD Health News

Reviewed By Brunilda Nazario, MD

July 29, 2009 -- Changing sexual practices have led to a dramatic rise in throat cancer in the United States over the past two decades, and experts say they fear an epidemic of the disease.

The comments were made Wednesday at a news conference held by the American Association for Cancer Research to discuss research into the role of the sexually transmitted human papilloma virus (HPV) in head and neck cancer.

Increasing rates of HPV infection, spread through oral sex, is largely driving the rapid rise in oropharyngeal cancers, which include tumors of the throat, tonsils, and base of the tongue, said Scott Lippman, MD, who chairs the thoracic department at the University of Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer Center.

Studies of oropharyngeal tumor tissue stored 20 years ago show that only around 20% are HPV positive, Lippman said. Today it is estimated that 60% of patients are infected with the virus.

"The percentage of oropharyngeal cancers that are HPV positive is much higher now than it was 20 years ago," he said. "This is a real trend, and that is why there is concern of an epidemic given that fact that oropharyngeal cancer is increasing at an alarming rate."

Changing Face of Throat Cancer

Smoking and alcohol abuse were once considered the only major risk factors for these cancers, but this is no longer the case.

American Cancer Society Chief Medical Officer Otis Brawley, MD, said as many as half of the oropharyngeal cancers diagnosed today appear to be caused by HPV infection.

"Changing sexual practices over the last 20 years, especially as they relate to oral sex, are increasing the rate of head and neck cancers and may be increasing the rates of other cancers as well," he said.

He added that there is some evidence that oral HPV infection is also a risk factor for a type of cancer of the esophagus.

"The paradigm is changing," Lippman said. "The types of patients we are seeing now with oropharyngeal cancers are not the patients we have classically seen who were older, smokers, and have lots of other problems. These are young people, executives, a whole different population."

Oral Sex Not Safe Sex

The experts agreed that it is critical for the public to understand that oral sex doesn't equal safe sex.

The message was unofficially promoted in the early days of the HIV epidemic and it is still widely believed by many, especially teens.

Studies suggest that teens are often unaware of the risks associated with unprotected oral sex, including the transmission of HPV, chlamydia, and gonorrhea.

"There is a huge public health message here,"
Brawley said.

SOURCES: News conference, American Association for Cancer Research. Otis Brawley, MD, chief medical officer, American Cancer Society, Atlanta. Scott Lippman, MD, chair, department of thoracic head and neck medical oncology, University of Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer Center.


Sunday, February 27, 2011

Largest crib recall in U.S. history announced: Suffocation danger tied to 2.1 million drop-side cribs made by Stork Craft

It is illegal to sell these cribs since 2009, but owners who are not aware of the recall may sell them at garage sales. Make sure to check for recalls before purchasing any children's item!


Saturday, February 26, 2011

The Health Risks of Gay Sex by John R Diggs, Jr., MD

Click on the link below to read an incredibly well-documented medical paper by Dr. John R Diggs, Jr. I've known for years about the health dangers of homosexual sex due to previous medical research, and I believe that Dr. Diggs has done an incredible job outlining this shocking information in a form that anyone can understand.

Dr. John R. Diggs, Jr. is a practicing Internist with first-hand experience in treating many of the problems described in this paper. He also travels and lectures on a variety of medical topics to audiences around the world.

This paper is about so much more than just HIV or AIDS. There are unique STDs that only affect homosexuals, and as far as STDs that affect both homosexuals and heterosexuals the predominance is huge in the homosexual community by comparison. Also the medical dollars spent per person for the treatment of HIV/AIDS (where the vast majority are gay men) far outweigh the dollars per person spent on cancer, heart disease, and diabetes (diseases which affect far more people). This is clearly an issue affecting all of society not just those who practice homosexuality.

In my opinion this paper is not appropriate for children to read due to the disturbing nature of some of the facts presented.

Here is a sneak-peek at the conclusion of the paper:


It is clear that there are serious medical consequences to same-sex behavior. Identification with a GLB community appears to lead to an increase in promiscuity, which in turn leads to a myriad of Sexually Transmitted Diseases and even early death. A compassionate response to requests for social approval and recognition of GLB relationships is not to assure gays and lesbians that homosexual relationships are just like heterosexual ones, but to point out the health risks of gay sex and promiscuity. Approving same-sex relationships is detrimental to employers, employees and society in general.


Thursday, February 24, 2011

Super Foods: What The Heck Are They, and How You Can Benefit From These Health Enhancing Ingredients by James Fabian

By James Fabian

You are probably wondering what exactly a super food is. You may have heard of it before but might not exactly understand what it is. A Super Food can be classified as a particular plant based food that naturally contains a high combination of phytonutrients, vitamins, minerals, anthocyanins and antioxidants. What is so incredible about these foods? They are all natural, extremely healthy and result in numerous health benefits all without side effects of normal drugs. The most amazing part is that you can benefit almost immediately from them since many are available at your local supermarket.

Okay, so we've established that super foods have very good health benefits. Experts agree that these powerful foods can help lower cholesterol, reduce heart disease risks and cancer, help with weight loss, combat disease, aid in digestive health, prevent or reduce inflammation and make you feel better. It's like putting high octane gasoline into your gas tank where as before you might have been putting in low octane like processed foods, high fat, high salt foods. It's important to note that these foods aren't supposed to treat or cure diseases but experts agree that they definitely have been shown to help your body combat them. It makes senses that putting all natural sources of nutrients and vitamins in a body could have a positive impact. So what foods fall under the category of super foods?

Nuts and Seeds
Hot Peppers
Blue Berries
Onions and Garlic
Goji Berry
Brown Seaweed
And many more...

Eating these foods on a regular basis and cutting back on processed foods and junk food will definitely have a positive impact on your health and well being. Combining this diet with regular exercise can have dramatic results on your life for the better. I hope you found this article informative and make the first step to changing your life for the better.

Subscribe to my blog and stay on top of new articles as they come out!

Enjoyed this article? Stay tuned for more awesome life enriching articles! Check out my blog!

Are you serious about improving your health and your life? I recommend Seven+ ProFormance by ExFuze because it contains 7 powerful super food antioxidants and more to jump start your health and keep you that way. Interested in getting your energy back and being healthy? I can tell you how much this has improved my life. Find out more and read up on my reviews for eXfuze Seven+ on my blog here!

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=James_Fabian


Raw, vegan chocolate pudding, Yum!

by Miriam Mas Moss on Saturday, February 12, 2011 at 8:26pm
I just made raw chocolate pudding for the first time! As a topping I whipped up some organic coconut cream conentrate with a dash of organic vanilla etract, organic agave, and sea salt using my little coffee grinder! Extra yum!

This Week's Recipe from the Raw Food Coach (get more at: http://www.therawfoodcoach.com/products/50_quick_and_easy_recipes.php)
Chocolate (Carob) Pudding

This recipe has been a favourite of mine for many years and is one of those featured in my 50 Recipes. It's great for dessert any time of year, but especially in the colder months when you want something sweet and comforting.

* 2 avocadoes
* 1 cup dates
* 1/2 cup raw carob powder
* Water as required

1) Simply blend all ingredients in a blender, food processor or with a hand blender until the mixture is smooth and creamy.

2) Taste test before serving. Add more avocado if you'd like it richer and/or creamier, add more dates for extra sweetness or add more carob for a stronger chocolate flavour.

3) Serve on its own or with raw ice-cream for the ultimate treat.


* If you don't like carob powder you can use this with cocoa powder or raw chocolate powder instead.

* This recipe will keep for about 2-3 days in the fridge.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Thai Noodle Meal: vegan and yummy!

So yummy! 
I rarely ever eat pasta so this is a big treat. I used Tolerant Organic Green Lentil Pasta to cut down on the carbs a little bit. I haven't made this dish in years, but with the new lower carb pasta versions out there I will be making it more often.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Blendtec Blender heaven!

I think I've died and gone to Blendtec heaven!

I just got my Blendtec blender, and needless to say Green Smoothies are a whole new experience! Wow! They are super smooth and taste so much better!

But I'm also enjoying all the other neat stuff I get to do now. I just took a big salad made of kale, romaine, and tomatoes loaded with hemp seeds, sesame seeds, sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds, sea salt, olive oil, and topped it with warm spinach spaghetti. When I was done loading it looked so overwhelming that I decided to shrink it in the Blend-tec. I just used the pulse button a few times, and I ended up with a mini salad that looked like tabouli. Yum! Much faster and easier to eat too! I was also amazed at how easy it was to wash the plastic carafe! I barely needed to use a sponge bcs most of my mess rinsed right out.

So many amazing uses for this fun contraption, including yummy raw, vegan puddings and chopping my kids' leafy greens to the perfect size.

I can't believe I've lived all these years without my precious Blend-tec! I should have moved it to the top of my wish list years ago!

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Breast Cancer Breakthrough - Cut Your Risk of Death in Half

Posted By Dr. Mercola | February 14 2011 | 65,084 views

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By Dr. Mercola

According to the National Breast Cancer Foundation, 200,000 new cases of breast cancer will be diagnosed each year in the US, making it three times more common than other gynecological cancers.

Breast cancer will claim the lives of 40,000 people this year.

What is really disturbing is the speed at which breast cancer rates have risen over the past 5 decades. In 1960, one in twenty women were diagnosed—but today, it is one in seven.

The following are some important facts about this type of cancer:

One woman in eight who lives to age 85 will develop breast cancer.
Breast cancer is the leading cause of death for women age 40 to 55.
Fifteen percent of all breast cancers occur in women under age 45; in this age group, breast cancers are more aggressive and have lower recovery rates.
Eighty percent of breast lumps are NON-cancerous.
Seventy percent of breast cancers are found through breast self-exams.
About 80 percent of women diagnosed with breast cancer have no family history of breast cancer.
Unfortunately, the current medical paradigm is relatively clueless about what causes breast cancer and how to effectively treat it. Most conventional cancer treatments actually add insult to injury by doing more harm than good—a fact that up to this point has been swept under the rug by the medical industry.

Fortunately, we're beginning to see the initial stirrings of change, as you will see from the latest research I'll be presenting later.

In the largest review of research into lifestyle and breast cancer, the American Institute of Cancer Research estimated that about 40 percent of U.S. breast cancer cases could be prevented if people make wiser lifestyle choices. I believe these estimates are seriously LOW, and it is more likely that 75 to 90 percent of breast cancers could be avoided by strictly applying the recommendations I will review below.

In fact, the latest paleoanthropological research shows that cancer was virtually nonexistent in humans before poor diet and pollution appeared, finally proving that cancer is a man-made disease.

My aim for this article is to provide you with a broad understanding of the factors that lead to the development of this deadly disease—as we now understand them—and what you can do preventatively to avoid becoming the next victim..If you happen to be a man, please read on since it actually does apply to you as well.

Men are NOT Immune to Breast Cancer

Breast cancer is not a disease exclusive to women. For every 100 women with breast cancer, one man will develop the disease. The National Breast Cancer Foundation estimates approximately 1,700 men will develop breast cancer and 450 will die from it each year.

The average age men are diagnosed with breast cancer is 67, versus 62 for women, meaning male cancers are often caught in a more advanced stage. If you work around petrochemicals, your risk is much higher. Men who work around gasoline and combustion products have a significantly higher risk of developing breast cancer.

Males and their doctors may be diverted from an accurate diagnosis due to enlargement of the breasts or gynecomastia, a common and benign condition, plus the fact that men are generally less vigilant about checking for breast lumps.

Types of Breast Cancer

Breast cancer is classified into two types, based on whether or not it is invasive:

Noninvasive (in situ) breast cancer: Cancer cells have not spread to adjacent areas of your breast—they have remained in their place of origin. The most common type is ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS), which occurs in the lining of the milk ducts. Noninvasive breast cancer is sometimes called "stage 0" cancer.
Invasive breast cancer. Cancer cells infiltrate or spread outside the membrane that lines a duct or lobule, into surrounding tissues. The cancer cells can then travel to other parts of your body. Invasive breast cancer can be stage I, II, III, or IV, depending on how advanced it is.
Breast cancer can be further classified according to what type of tissue it arises from:

Milk ducts: Ductal carcinoma is the most common type of breast cancer.
Milk-producing lobules: Lobular carcinoma originates in the lobules, where breast milk is produced.
Connective tissues (muscles, fat and blood vessels): Rarely, breast cancer can originate from these breast tissues; in this case, it's called sarcoma
Inflammatory Breast Cancer: The Rarest and Most Aggressive Form

Inflammatory breast cancer (IBC) is a rare form of breast cancer of sudden onset (weeks to months) and can easily be confused with a breast infection (mastitis). The affected breast is red, swollen, warm and tender because cancer cells have blocked the lymphatic vessels in your breast.

You might or might not have a lump.

IBC accounts for between 1 and 5 percent of all breast cancer cases in the U.S., and is more common among younger women and African American women. There have been some cases documented in men. IBC is the most aggressive form of breast cancer, and survival rates are worse than for other types of breast cancer.

You should seek medical attention immediately if you have the above symptoms—or if you are being treated for mastitis but your symptoms are not resolving as expected.

Signs and Symptoms to Watch For

The most common signs and symptoms of breast cancer include the following:

A breast lump or thickening that feels different from the surrounding tissue
Bloody discharge, or other unusual discharge, from your nipple
A change in your breast's size or shape
Changes in the skin on your breast, such as dimpling or indentation
Redness or pitting of your breast skin—kind of like the skin of an orange
Pain or tenderness in your breast
An inverted nipple
Peeling or flaking of the nipple
Enlarged lymph nodes or swelling in your armpit
If you have any of these changes, you should consult your healthcare provider immediately. But don't panic—remember, the majority of breast tumors are benign. Many of the above signs can indicate other issues besides cancer, and your healthcare provider can help you sort it out.

What Causes Breast Cancer?

We now know that breast inflammation is KEY to the development and progression of breast cancer. Inflammation is not the cause, but rather is a key process that sets the stage for breast cancer to occur. There are certainly many aggravating factors, from foods to chemicals in the environment to lifestyle patterns and genetics—but it is the INFLAMMATION that these things cause that starts the wheel turning.

Scientists have shown that an inflammatory process within the breast itself promotes growth of breast cancer stem cells. That's the bad news.

The good news?

Researchers were able to inactivate this inflammation selectively, which reduced the activity of these stem cells and stopped breast cancer from forming. Although your genes are a factor in your breast cancer risk, it is not your genes that dictate your health but rather the expression of them, and that depends on what genes you "turn on and off" with your lifestyle and emotional state (epigenetic factors).

In other words, you have more power over your health than your genetics does!

Breast Cancer is Closely Tied to Estrogen Exposure

There are a number of studies that have given us clues about the factors contributing to breast cancer. But one of the most significant factors is synthetic hormone replacement therapy (HRT). According to a study published online in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute, breast cancer rates for women dropped in tandem with decreased use of HRT. In Canada, between 2002 and 2004, HRT use dropped by 7.8 percent. During that same time, breast cancer rates also fell by 9.6 percent.

This further supports existing evidence that HRT is linked with breast cancer, which is an estrogen-related cancer. So it is no surprise that giving women potent synthetic estrogens will increase their risk.

However, there's a twist.

After remaining stable at around five percent between 2004 and 2006, breast cancer rates then began to rise again, even though HRT use remained low. The researchers claim this is an indication that HRT simply speeds up tumor growth, as opposed to directly causing it.

It's also important to remember that you are exposed to a large number of estrogen-like compounds daily, called xenoestrogens. Estrogen pollution is increasingly present all around you, from plastics to canned food and drinks, food additives, household cleaning products, and pesticides. And estrogen levels are rising in our waterways as a result of the runoff from factory animal farms.

Still, whether it's a promoter or a causative factor, there's good reason to be wary of using HRT to address natural menopause. There is no reason to subject yourself to synthetic hormones when you reach menopause—the risk is simply too great.

If you are experiencing excessive menopausal symptoms, you may want to consider bioidentical hormone replacement therapy, which uses hormones that are molecularly identical to the ones your body produces and does not wreak havoc on your system, which is a much safer alternative.

There are similar risks for younger women who use oral contraceptives—birth control pills, which are also comprised of synthetic hormones—have been linked to cervical and breast cancers. Another aggravating factor in breast cancer is, unfortunately, the breast cancer screening tool itself.

Are Mammograms Fueling Breast Cancer Rates?

Mammography is a great example of a stubborn head-in-the-sand approach to cancer screening. Americans are already exposed to seven times more radiation from diagnostic scans than they were in 1980. It is well known that ionizing radiation increases the cellular mutations that lead to cancer—and mammograms aim a highly focused dose directly at your breasts, thereby increasing your cancer risk!

WHY would you want to do this?

Mammograms expose your body to radiation that can be 1,000 times greater than a chest x-ray, which we know poses a cancer risk. Mammography also compresses your breasts tightly, and often painfully, which could lead to a lethal spread of cancerous cells, should they exist. Dr. Charles B. Simone, a former clinical associate in immunology and pharmacology at the National Cancer Institute, said:

"Mammograms increase the risk for developing breast cancer and raise the risk of spreading or metastasizing an existing growth."

Others have spoken out against mammography. Dr. Samuel Epstein, a top cancer expert who has been warning people for years about the dangers of mammography, explains:

"The premenopausal breast is highly sensitive to radiation, each 1 rad exposure increasing breast cancer risk by about 1 percent, with a cumulative 10 percent increased risk for each breast over a decade's screening..."

"The high sensitivity of the breast, especially in young women, to radiation-induced cancer was known by 1970. Nevertheless, the establishment then screened some 300,000 women with X-ray dosages so high as to increase breast cancer risk by up to 20 percent in women aged 40 to 50 who were mammogramed annually."

In July 1995, an article in The Lancet about mammograms read:

"The benefit is marginal, the harm caused is substantial, and the costs incurred are enormous."

There is no solid evidence that mammograms save lives, in spite of the propaganda some organizations constantly parrot to the press. Mammograms are often touted as a "life-saving" form of cancer screening, responsible for reducing breast cancer death rates by 15 to 25 percent. But this reported benefit is based on outdated studies done decades ago.

In September 2010, the New England Journal of Medicine, one of the most prestigious medical journals, published the first recent study in years to look at the effectiveness of mammograms, and their findings are a far cry from what most public health officials and physicians would have you believe.

Their bottom line was that mammograms might have only reduced cancer death rates by 0.4 deaths per 1,000 women—an amount so small it may as well be zero. Put another way, 2,500 women would have to be screened over 10 years for a single breast cancer death to be avoided.

So, not only are mammograms unsafe, but they are NOT saving lives as many professionals believed they were.

Past research has also demonstrated that adding an annual mammogram to a careful physical examination of the breasts does not improve breast cancer survival rates over a physical examination alone.

False Positives are Alarmingly Common in Mammography

Another glaring problem with mammography is its unacceptably high rate of false positives. If a mammogram detects an abnormal spot in a woman's breast, the next step is typically a biopsy. This involves taking a small amount of tissue from the breast, which is then looked at by a pathologist under a microscope to determine if cancer is present. Estimates are that 17 percent of DCIS cases found through needle biopsy are misdiagnosed.

Mammograms carry a first-time false positive rate of up to 6 percent.

The problem is that early stage cancer like DCIS can be very hard to diagnose, and pathologists have a wide range of experience and expertise. There are no diagnostic standards for DCIS, and there are no requirements that the pathologists doing the readings have specialized expertise.

Dr. Shahla Masood, the head of pathology at the University of Florida College of Medicine in Jacksonville, told the New York Times:

"There are studies that show that diagnosing these borderline breast lesions occasionally comes down to the flip of a coin."

Unnecessary Mastectomies are More Common than You Might Think

False positives can lead to unnecessary emotional stress and expensive repeat screenings, exposing you to even more radiation, chemotherapy, and unnecessary invasive procedures including biopsies and major surgery. Women have actually undergone unnecessary mastectomies after receiving a false positive mammogram report.

After receiving a breast cancer diagnosis, most women are afraid and even frantic to do whatever it takes, as soon as possible, to fight and remove the cancer. And usually, that involves the "slash and burn" approach. Can you imagine what it would be like to go through surgery, having one or both of your breasts removed along with receiving debilitating radiation treatments and toxic drugs, only to later be told that you never had cancer?

This scenario happens more often than you might think; you can read about several women's terrifying ordeals with false breast cancer diagnoses here.

And there is new evidence that breast cancer might go away on its own a fair amount of the time. Yes—WITHOUT intervention. A group of researchers who track breast cancer rates found evidence to suggest that some tumors found by mammograms might naturally disappear on their own.

Mammograms will not prevent you from getting breast cancer, and the latest study shows they offer very little benefit in improving your chances of survival. Effective cancer screening methods are important, but mammography is simply NOT the answer.

But then, what is the answer?

The screening tool I recommend is breast thermography.

Thermography: Cancer's Best Kept Secret

By measuring the radiation of infrared heat from your body, thermographic screening can detect signs of breast cancer as much as 10 years earlier than either mammography or a physical exam—all without any ionizing radiation or mechanical pressure.

And thermography has NO damaging side effects.

Thermographic breast screening is able to predict the likelihood of breast cancer, before any tumors have formed, because it provides a snapshot of the early stages of angiogenesis—the formation of a direct supply of blood to cancer cells, which is a necessary step before they can grow into sizeable tumors.

This is the classic use of "preventative medicine" because you can detect negative changes before you develop the disease—while you still have time to turn things around.

Annual thermograms allow you to map changes in your body's heat patterns over time. If you would like to learn more about thermography, I invite you to download my FREE thermography report.

What About Breast Self-Exams?

Breast self-exams have long been recommended as a simple way for women to keep track of anything unusual in their breasts. Now, after studies have found that such exams do not reduce breast cancer death rates and actually increase the rate of unnecessary biopsies, many experts are recommending a more relaxed approach known as "breast awareness."

Breast awareness is really self-explanatory. It means you should regularly check your breasts for changes, but can do so in a way that feels natural to you. In other words, you don't have to do it on the same day each month, or using any particular pattern.

Simply be aware of what's normal for you so you can recognize anything out of the ordinary. Although breast cancer is much less common in men, it certainly wouldn't hurt for men to practice "breast awareness" as well.

One of the BEST Supplements for Breast Cancer

Dr. William LaValley from Austin Texas, is one of the top natural medicine cancer physicians I know and he recently shared this important information on curcumin which has the most evidence based literature for as a cancer support than any other nutrient. There are over 100 different pathways that curcumin has an effect on once it gets into the cell. Interestingly this also includes the metabolite of curcumin and its derivatives which are also anti-cancer. Curcumin appears to be safe in the treatment of all cancers.

In India where turmeric is widely used, the prevalence of four common U.S. cancers -- colon, breast, prostate and lung -- is 10 times lower. In fact, prostate cancer, which is the most frequently diagnosed cancer in U.S. men, is rare in India and this is attributed, in part, to the curcumin in turmeric.

Numerous studies have looked into this potential cancer-fighting link, with promising results. For instance, curcumin has been found to:

Inhibit the proliferation of tumor cells
Inhibit the transformation of cells from normal to tumor
Help your body destroy mutated cancer cells so they cannot spread throughout your body
Decrease inflammation
Enhance liver function
Inhibit the synthesis of a protein thought to be instrumental in tumor formation
Prevent the development of additional blood supply necessary for cancer cell growth
And according to researchers from the University of Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer Center, curcumin blocks a key biological pathway needed for development of melanoma and other cancers.

The spice actually stops laboratory strains of melanoma from proliferating and pushes the cancer cells to commit suicide by shutting down nuclear factor-kappa B (NF-kB), a powerful protein known to induce abnormal inflammatory response that leads to an assortment of disorders such as arthritis and cancer.

To get the full benefits that curcumin has to offer, you will want to look for a turmeric extract with at least 95% curcuminoids that contains only 100% certified organic ingredients.

The formula should be free of fillers, additives and excipients (a substance added to the supplement as a processing or stability aid), and the manufacturer should use safe production practices at all stages: planting, cultivation, selective harvesting, and then producing and packaging the final product.

Details on How to Use Curcumin

The unfortunate challenge as this time is that there are not really any very good formulations of curcumin available to use in cancer. This is because relatively high doses are required and curcumin is not absorbed that well. Typical anticancer doses are up to three grams of good bioavailable curcmin extract, three to four times daily.

One work around for this is to use the curcumin powder and make a microemulsion of it by combining a tablespoon of the powder and mixing it into 1-2 egg yolks and a teaspoon or two of melted coconut oil. Then using a high speed hand blender to emulsify the powder.

Another strategy you can use to increase absorption is to put one tablespoon of the curcumin powder into a quart of boiling water. It must be boiling when you add the powder as it will not work as well if you put it in room temperature water and heat the water and curcumin. After boiling it for ten minutes you will have created a 12% solution and you can drink this once it has cooled down. The curcumin will gradually fall out of solution over time and in about six hours it will be a 6% solution so it is best to drink the water within four hours. It does have a woody taste.

One caution to know is that you want to avoid the "yellow kitchen" syndrome. Curcumin is a very potent yellow pigment and can permanently discolor surfaces if you aren't careful. So you can perform the mixing under the hood of your stove with the blower on to make sure no powder gets into your kitchen.

Keeping Abreast of the Research

I mentioned earlier that we are beginning to see the stirrings of change. Let me clarify what I meant by that. New scientific research on old methodologies is challenging some of the long-held notions about conventional cancer treatments, and some of this research is making it into mainstream medical journals.

Cancer screening is finally getting some long-awaited scrutiny, as it should be. And that process has found some of the conventional breast cancer treatment methods to be significantly flawed and in need of revision. It's about time!

Here are some of the more significant recent findings related to conventional breast cancer treatment:

Needle biopsies

Needle biopsies are widely used as part of the traditional allopathic approach to diagnosing breast cancer. But they may accidentally cause malignant cells to break away from a tumor, allowing it to spread to other areas of your body.

According to a study from the John Wayne Cancer Institute, it appears that a needle biopsy may increase the spread of cancer by 50 percent compared to patients who receive excisional biopsies, also known as lumpectomies.


A 2010 study found, for certain women, a lumpectomy might not be necessary. The procedure was found to not prolong survival or prevent recurrence of breast cancer.

Lymph Node Removal

Lymph node removal might not be necessary after all. Today, the standard treatment for breast cancer patients whose cancer has spread to the sentinel lymph node is to surgically remove the other nodes as well—a procedure called axillary node dissection. (The "sentinel node" refers to the node closest to the tumor, or the lymph node that can be reached by metastasizing cancer cells first.)

However, according to this latest study, lymph node removal has virtually no impact on survival or disease recurrence, while it causes additional pain and debilitation. After five years, 82.2 percent of the women who had the axillary nodes removed were still alive and in remission, compared to 83.8 percent of the women who did not get the operation.

And, interestingly enough, the cancer recurrence was actually slightly higher in the group who had the operation, compared to those who didn't.

Chemotherapy and Radiation

In addition to the removal of lymph nodes, current conventional treatment also typically includes chemotherapy and radiation therapy.
Chemo is a standard recommendation for women whose cancer has spread to their lymph nodes, despite its magnificent failure rate and oftentimes lethal side effects. One study concluded that as many as 18,000 of the 45,000 women each year who undergo chemo for breast cancer could safely skip it.

Similarly, six or more weeks of radiation are also part of the standard treatment for most women with breast cancer. However, according to another recent study, just ONE dose of radiation, delivered with precision to the affected site directly after her lumpectomy, had the same rate of effectiveness as the extended radiation treatment.

Breast Cancer Prevention Musts

A healthful diet, regular physical exercise, appropriate sun exposure or oral supplements to optimize your vitamin D levels, and an effective means of managing your emotional health are the cornerstones of just about any cancer prevention program, including breast cancer.

Regular physical activity has been shown to decrease the likelihood of developing breast cancer, as well as decreasing your chances of dying from it by 50 percent, once diagnosed.

It is also important to watch out for excessive iron levels. Elevated iron is actually quite common once women stop menstruating. The extra iron works as a powerful oxidant, increasing free radicals in your body and thereby increasing your risk of cancer.

The best way to monitor your iron is to have your ferritin level drawn. Ferritin is the iron transport protein and should not be above 80. If yours is elevated, you can reduce it simply by donating your blood.

The following lifestyle strategies will help you to further lower your breast cancer risk:

Optimize your vitamin D. Vitamin D influences virtually every cell in your body and is one of nature's most potent cancer fighters. This is one of the most important steps you can take to protect yourself from cancer.

Vitamin D is actually able to enter cancer cells and trigger apoptosis (cell death). When JoEllen Welsh, a researcher with the State University of New York at Albany, injected a potent form of vitamin D into human breast cancer cells, half of them shriveled up and died within days! The vitamin D worked as well at killing cancer cells as the toxic breast cancer drug Tamoxifen, without any of the detrimental side effects and at a tiny fraction of the cost.

If you have cancer, your vitamin D level should be between 70 and 100 ng/ml. Vitamin D works synergistically with every cancer treatment I'm aware of, with no adverse effects.

I invite you to watch my one-hour free lecture on vitamin D to find out what your optimal vitamin D levels should be and how to optimize them.

Get plenty of natural vitamin A. There is evidence that vitamin A also plays a roll in preventing breast cancer. It's best to obtain it from vitamin A rich foods, rather than a supplement. Your best sources are organic egg yolks, raw butter, raw whole milk, and beef or chicken liver.

However, beware of supplementing as there's some evidence that vitamin A can negate the benefits of vitamin D. Since appropriate vitamin D levels are crucial for your health in general, not to mention cancer prevention, this means that it's essential to have the proper ratio of vitamin D to vitamin A in your body.

Ideally, you'll want to provide all the vitamin A and vitamin D substrate your body needs in such a way that your body can regulate both systems naturally. This is best done by eating colorful vegetables (for vitamin A) and by exposing your skin to sun every day (for vitamin D).

Avoid charring your meats. Charcoal or flame broiled meat is linked with increased breast cancer risk. Acrylamide—a carcinogen created when starchy foods are baked, roasted or fried—has been found to increase breast cancer risk as well.
Avoid unfermented soy products. Unfermented soy is high in plant estrogens, or phytoestrogens, also known as isoflavones. In some studies, soy appears to work in concert with human estrogen to increase breast cell proliferation, which increases the chances for mutations and cancerous cells.
Improve Your Insulin Receptor Sensitivity. The best way to do this is with exercise and a diet comprised of foods appropriate for your nutritional type.
Maintain a healthy body weight. This will come naturally when you begin eating right for your nutritional type and exercising. It's important to lose excess body fat because fat produces estrogen.
Drink a quart of organic green vegetable juice daily. Please review my juicing instructions for more detailed information
Get plenty of high quality animal-based omega-3 fats, such as krill oil. Omega-3 deficiency is a common underlying factor for cancer.
Curcumin. This is the active ingredient in turmeric and in high concentrations can be very useful in the treatment of breast cancer. Concern must be addressed with the solubility though as it is not well absorbed. However it does show great therapeutic potential in preventing breast cancer metastasis.
Avoid drinking alcohol, or at least limit your alcoholic drinks to one per day.
Breastfeed exclusively for up to six months. Research shows this will reduce your breast cancer risk.
Avoid wearing underwire bras. There is a good deal of data that metal underwire bras increase your breast cancer risk.
Avoid electromagnetic fields as much as possible. Even electric blankets can increase your cancer risk.
Other Research-Based "Dos and Don'ts"

The following is a list of various factors that have been scientifically found to impact breast cancer in one way or another. Many are isolated studies that offer food for thought and open up potential avenues for future research. For more information on each, simply click on the links provided.

Depression can influence breast cancer survival. Women whose depression lifts in the first year after being told they have advanced breast cancer outlive by more than two years those whose depression symptoms worsened.
SSRIs (a category of antidepressant drug) are associated with increased breast cancer risk.
CoQ10 http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/pdq/cam/coenzymeQ10/Patient appears to be another useful tool. Ubiquinol would be the preferred form as it works better than the oxidized CoQ10.
Black cohosh shows promise in fighting breast cancer by inducing apoptosis in human breast cancer cells.
Artemisinin (a compound in wormwood) has been shown to be toxic to human breast cancer cells.
A high carbohydrate diet may increase your breast cancer risk.
Foods that have a scientific basis for fighting breast cancer include kelp, spicy foods, cruciferous vegetables (especially broccoli), and evening primrose oil.
Three cups of tea daily may slash your breast cancer risk by 50 percent.
If you eat a poor diet, it can cause DNA changes that may increase your daughters' and granddaughters' risk of breast cancer.
Antiperspirants can increase your breast cancer risk due to their toxic metals, such as aluminum, which influence estrogen activity.
Too much light at night was found to increase breast cancer by inhibiting melatonin in a study by the American National Cancer Institute.
Women who have had an abortion are up to twice as likely to develop breast cancer, according to a British study.
If You're Diagnosed With Early Stage Breast Cancer

In the event that you are diagnosed with DCIS or another form of early stage breast cancer, always get a second—and possibly third and fourth—opinion. I cannot stress this enough, since the false positive rates are just too high and the diagnostic criteria too subjective.

Before you make any decision on treatment—and definitely before you decide to have surgery or chemotherapy—make sure your biopsy results have been reviewed by a breast specialist who is knowledgeable and experienced in that field.

The majority of breast cancer is preventable. But if you are hit with that diagnosis, don't lose hope! There is a great deal you can do to harness your body's own powerful healing abilities.


The Newest Dangerous Sweetener to Hit Your Food Shelves... (Neotame)

Posted By Dr. Mercola | February 08 2011 |

By Dr. Mercola

Since 2002 an artificial sweetener called neotame has been approved for use in food and drink products around the world, although so far its use appears to be very limited.

Neotame is a chemical derivative of aspartame, and judging by the chemicals used in its manufacturing, it appears even more toxic than aspartame, although the proponents of neotame claim that increased toxicity is not a concern, because less of it is needed to achieve the desired effect.

Neotame is bad science brought to you by the Monsanto Company.

If Monsano truly had nothing to fear with either of these artificial chemical sweeteners, they would have funded rigorous independent testing for safety. To date they have not, and they won't, because virtually every independent analysis of aspartame not conducted by Monsanto partners has revealed a long list of disturbing side effects, mostly neurological in nature.

Monsanto also has now sold the NutraSweet Company to someone else, but the approval of neotame came under Monsanto's ownership, and was most likely a result of Monsanto's cozy relationship with the FDA. More about that in a minute.

My recommendation for neotame is the same as that for aspartame, which is: it should be avoided if you care about your health.

Why is Neotame Dangerous?

Hopefully by now you are aware of the dangers of aspartame, if you aren't, please review this previous article.

But as if aspartame wasn't bad enough, NutraSweet (a Monsanto subsidiary at the time of neotame's approval) "improved" the aspartame formula, making neotame 7,000-13,000 times sweeter than sugar (sucrose) and 30-60 times sweeter than aspartame.

How did they do this?

In 1998, Monsanto applied for FDA approval for neotame, "based on the aspartame formula" with one critical addition: 3-dimethylbutyl, which just happens to be listed on the EPA's most hazardous chemical list.

So not only is neotame potentially more devastating to your health than aspartame, it is also approved for use in a wider array of food products, including baked goods, because it is more stable at higher temperatures.

What is 3-Dimethylbutyl?

Neotame is manufactured by combining aspartame with 3,3-dimethylbutyraldehyd, which was added to block enzymes that break the peptide bond between aspartic acid and phenylalanine, thereby reducing the availability of phenylalanine.

This eliminates the need for a warning on labels directed at people who cannot properly metabolize phenylalanine.

However, 3,3-Dimethylbutyraldehyde is categorized as both highly flammable and an irritant, and carries risk statements for handling including irritating to skin, eyes and respiratory system.

In other words, the NutraSweet company assures you that neotame is perfectly safe, while at the same time they manufacture neotame through a chemical reaction between aspartame and a substance that is highly flammable and a skin, eye and respiratory irritant (that must be handled with extreme caution by anyone involved in the manufacturing process).

Does this sound like something you want to put into your body?

Why are These Chemicals Approved for Human Consumption?

Many people actually consider the FDA to be a "subsidiary" of the Monsanto Company. It sounds impossible, but when you look at all the Monsanto executives who have gone through the revolving door between private industry and government oversight, a truly disturbing picture emerges of the foxes guarding the henhouse..

The FDA is packed by pro-business, pro-corporation advocates who often have massive conflicts of interest when it comes to protecting the health of the public.

In fact, the revolving door between private industry and government oversight agencies is so well established these days, it has become business as usual to read about scandal, conflicts of interest and blatant pro-industry bias, even when it flies in the face of science or the law.

A few examples include:

FDA Commissioner Margaret Hamburg, a former dental amalgam company executive, helped subvert a federal judge's order to label mercury fillings as a hazard to children and pregnant women.
The FDA's top medical-device regulator, Daniel Schultz, resigned following internal dissent over decisions that his critics said were too friendly to industry.
Janet Woodcock, the director of the FDA's Center for Drug Evaluation and Research, was accused of a massive conflict of interest stemming from an ethics complaint filed by Amphastar Pharmaceuticals Inc.
The agency's list of corruptions and collusions is now a mile long. And each piece of new legislation aimed to improve its function seems to do just the opposite—making the FDA even more dependent upon financial support by Big Pharma.
Why Aspartame and Neotame are NOT a Dieters Best Friend

On of the biggest marketing and PR tactics for man-made chemical sweeteners has been the claim that they help in the battle against obesity. Folks, they don't. They never have and they never will.

The research and the epidemiologic data suggest the opposite is true, and that artificial sweeteners such as aspartame and neotame tend to lead to weight gain. As I've often said, there's more to weight gain or weight loss than mere calorie intake.

One reason for aspartame and neotame's potential to cause weight gain is because phenylalanine and aspartic acid – the two amino acids that make up 90 percent of aspartame and are also present in neotame -- are known to rapidly stimulate the release of insulin and leptin; two hormones that are intricately involved with satiety and fat storage.

Insulin and leptin are also the primary hormones that regulate your metabolism.

So although you're not ingesting calories in the form of sugar, aspartame and neotame can still raise your insulin and leptin levels. Elevated insulin and leptin levels, in turn, are two of the driving forces behind obesity, diabetes, and a number of our current chronic disease epidemics.

Over time, if your body is exposed to too much leptin, it will become resistant to it, just as your body can become resistant to insulin, and once that happens, your body can no longer "hear" the hormonal messages instructing your body to stop eating, burn fat, and maintain good sensitivity to sweet tastes in your taste buds.

What happens then?

You remain hungry; you crave sweets, and your body stores more fat.

Leptin-resistance also causes an increase in visceral fat, sending you on a vicious cycle of hunger, fat storage and an increased risk of heart disease, diabetes, metabolic syndrome and more.

The Real Reason Artificial Sweetener Use Has Exploded

If you want some answers in scenarios like this it is typically useful to follow the money trail. Aspartame currently has the largest market share of all artificial sweeteners, and the people at NutraSweet would like to keep it that way.

Artificial sweeteners cost a great deal less than real sugar, corn syrup or molasses, so the processed food and beverage industry saves money by using LESS of these man-made chemicals to create MORE sweetness in their products.

Neotame is manufactured from aspartame, and builds on aspartame's ability to provide more sweetness from less raw material, as it is 30-60 times sweeter than aspartame.

Unfortunately, one byproduct your body creates by breaking down aspartame is formaldehyde, which is extremely toxic to your health even in very small doses. The NutraSweet Company claims the addition of 3,3-Dimethylbutyraldehyde to aspartame makes it more stable at higher temperatures, and reduces the availability of phenylalanine. But nowhere do they discuss the formation of formaldehyde when your body breaks down aspartame, which is the main ingredient of neotame.

In a search of pubmed.gov, the U.S. National Library of Medicine, which has over 11 million medical citations, neotame returns zero double-blind scientific studies on toxicity in humans or animals.

If neotame was indeed completely safe to ingest, you would think the NutraSweet Company would have published at least one double-blind safety study in the public domain? They haven't.

You have to ask yourself "why not?"

Have You Experienced a Bad Aspartame or Neotame Reaction? Be Heard!

Did you know that only a fraction of all adverse food reactions are ever reported to the FDA? This is a problem that only you as the consumer can have an impact upon.

In order to truly alert the FDA to a problem with a product they've approved, they must be notified – by as many people as possible who believe they have experienced a side effect. This mean you can take action against the manufacturers of these chemicals that continue to put your optimal health at risk, if you feel you have had a bad reaction to their product.

I urge you, if you believe you have experienced side effects from aspartame or neotame, let the FDA know about it!

Please go to the FDA Consumer Complaint Coordinator page, find the phone number listed for your state, and report your adverse reaction.

There's no telling just how many reports they might need before considering taking another look at the safety of aspartame or neotame, but the only way to press them is by reporting any and all adverse effects!

And in the meantime, do your health and the health of your family a favor and treat all foods and drinks that contain aspartame or neotame as if they were deleterious to your optimal health. Because, in my opinion, they are.


Blood Type Diet theory falls apart when studying the healthiest people in the world

The Blood Type Diet
by Jacques-Pascal-Cusin

This international hit is apparently attractive to the thousands who have attempted to adopt it. The diet claims to improve health, regulate weight and prevents aging. Dr. Peter D'Adamo presents the work that his father developed over several decades. They are not biochemists but hold a sincere belief in their work which holds as its central hypothesis that each blood type requires certain foods and rejects others.

The blood type diet is a diet advocated by Dr. D'Adamo, a naturopathic physician, and outlined in his book Eat Right 4 Your Type. D'Adamo's theory is that ABO blood type is the most important factor in determining a healthy diet.

D'Adamo's premise is that human blood type is key to the body's ability to differentiate self from non-self. Lectins in foods, he asserts, react differently with each ABO blood type and to a lesser extent with an individual's secretor status. Throughout his books he cites the works of biochemists and glycobiologists who have researched blood groups, claiming or implying that their research supports this theory. In his book, Eat Right 4 Your Type, "Lectins: The Diet Connection," and in following chapters, lectins which interact with the different ABO type antigens are described as incompatible and harmful, therefore the selection of different foods for A, AB, B and O types to minimize reactions with these lectins.

This displays the power that removing processed and refined foods has in developing better health. Precluded from the diet are the thoughts about geography, culture, ethnicity, individuality, age and ecology. When presented as a biochemical possibility to biochemist, it is readily dismissed. There is overwhelming evidence by observing dietary patterns of different cultures that neuter the majority of substance out of this theory. Should we eat a heavily endowed meat diet since we posses a certain blood type when there is unanimous consensus of its destructive history among astute observers? The diet ignores what we have learned about people around the world. Do the people from Vilacamva Ecuador, the Hunzas from Cashmere, the Abkhaze from Caucasus, the Japanese from Okinawa, the Seventh Day Adventist from North America, and the Cretins from Greece, apply the blood type philosophy? Certainly not. Yet, they live in cultures with extraordinarily healthy populations.

They harvest their food from their environment using what surrounds them. In other words, what is locally abundant and historically sound. Each of these groups represent a powerful example of why blood type plays little to no role in creating health and longevity since these very groups are among the strongest and longest living on the planet. Their food intake and their way of life grew out of the geography they share and the climate they experience. Genetic need (usually nutrient dense and easily digestible food) is a central contributing factor to their excellent physical state. In modern urban industrial cities, our life is less diversified and many of our food choices are poor and harmful. Cut off from our heritage and tradition, we subconsciously desperately search for our instinctual dietary needs but are easily seduced by the simple diet promises and "miracle recipes" like the blood type diet.

Organizations such as Hippocrates Health Institute stand scientifically opposite to the D'Adamo's work. Over five decades, hundreds of thousands placed on a well-researched living food diet displayed improvements in their biochemistry. Their improvements are supported by the results of blood tests at the beginning and end of their residencies. Follow up blood profiles establishes that all, regardless of blood type, stabilize and strengthen on highly nourishing foods. I honor the contribution of the D'Adamo's since those living on a European or North American diet will improve when they adopt the blood type theory, though they will fall far short of their true potential.

My conclusion is that the blood type diet, taken glibly as a valid prescription, is dangerous. All dogmas that preach religious adherence in food consumption lack the sensitivity, observation, and nuance that it takes in an authentic health building lifestyle. For some of you, this may be a first good step on your way to betterment. Just, don't get lost on the stairs; and forget you need to reach the next floor.

Jacques-Pascal-Cusin is an Author, Nutritional and Sustainability Expert residing in Geneva Switzerland and Paris France.


Friday, February 18, 2011

Pecan Loaf: vegan meatloaf that even your meat-lovers will love

Hallelujah Diet vegan meatloaf that's soy-free and has even meat-lovers raving! Yum! You guys are going to love this recipe! If you like a more moist texture, then you'll definitely want to use a 14 oz can of organic diced tomatoes instead of fresh. I've done it both ways. This time I sauteed sweet onions in organic coconut oil (neutral taste version) instead of water and used 2 garlic cloves intead of 1/4 tsp garlic powder (1 clove = 1/8 tsp powder). I love using coconut oil in everything I can! I also grind my own bread crumbs from fresh whole grain bread without preservatives. Btw, I never put the celery in it since my family and I are not huge fans.

P.S. I always make the organic brown rice ahead of time in the rice cooker. I usually make 3 cups of rice with 6 cups of purified water, 1 TBS sea salt, and 1 TBS organic coconut oil (neutral taste). Sometimes I add turmeric and paprika. When I make big batches I freeze some in 16 oz canning jars (glass Ball jars), and then I put the amount I'll need for the next day in the fridge overnight to defrost. Saves time!

Coconut almond butter - Yum!

I love this recipe! I got the idea from an article on how to make nut/seed butters that I'm still looking for so I can post if for everyone.

Blend the following in a food processor:

Almonds (washed and soaked overnight and then rinsed)
Organic creamed coconut (unsweetened)
Organic coconut oil as needed for smoother blending
Dash of organic agave, organic vanilla extract, and sea salt

Make sure the coconut is soft first (heat slightly if necessary)

Play with the amounts to your liking. You can spread this on bread or crackers or eat straight.

Here's a great deal! For the creamed coconut I use Let's Do Organic Creamed Coconut, 7-Ounce Boxes (Pack of 6):

Thursday, February 17, 2011

eXfuze Seven+, Another Juice? What Sets It Apart From The Rest And How It Can Help Change Your Life! by James Fabian

Besides the superfoods highlighted here, Seven+ PROformance and Seven+ Focus contain several amazing additional ingredients targeting physical performance and brain support respectively.

Article By James Fabian:

ExFuze Seven+ is the brain child of brothers Don and Rick Cotton. They had found out about the power of botanicals from when their father was terminally ill requiring surgery in the hospital. After numerous failed attempts to make their father better with conventional medicine, their father's doctor recommended something he had heard helped some other patients recover when medicine had not been as effective. They agreed to let the doctor give their father a cocktail of botanicals. To their amazement, he had recovered well enough to go through surgery. He had made an amazing recovery, the brothers believed due to the botanicals. Their father was weaned from the botanicals after a year and his health slowly started to decline again. He eventually passed away two years after he had started treatment under the doctor's suggestion. The brothers were happy to have gotten two more years with their father and were amazed by the impressive health benefits of extracts and botanicals. This gave them the idea for Seven+ and thus ExFuze was born.

What is in Seven+ that gives it such potent health benefits?

It is a combination of years of research into botanicals. It is a health supplement that contains powerful extracts from around the world that many civilizations through the years have found contain very beneficial ingredients.

What exactly is in it that makes it so powerful and beneficial?

Acai "Amazon's Healing Fruit"
Mangosteen "Thailand's Queen of Fruits"
Noni "Polynesian Miracle Fruit"
Gac "Southeast Asia's Fruit From Heaven"
Goji "Himalayan Mountains Berry of Life"
Seabuckthorn "Potent Golden Berry From The Mountains of China and Russia"
Fucoidan "The South Pacific's Super Nutrient"
What are in these extracts and how do they benefit you?

Acai contains:

16 Antioxidants
Near Perfect Essential Amino Acid Complex
Highest Free Radical Killing Power of any Known Fruit
Omega Acids
Naturally Occuring Vitamins A - K

Acai may help with:

Controlling Cholesterol
Boosting Immune System
Fighting Infections
Mental Focus and Sleep Quality
Enhance Digestion
Enhance Sexual Function
Increase Energy and Stamina
Prevent Cancer
Slow the Aging Process

Mangosteen contains:

Antioxidants, Nutrients and Phytonutrients

Mangosteen may help:

Maintain intestinal health
Aid the body's healing process and strengthen cellular walls
Reduce Allergies
Prevent Alzheimer's
Support the immune function
Support cartilage & joint function
Reduce the symptoms of Parkinson's Disease
Promotes Healthy Respiratory System

Noni contains:

Abundant linoleic acid
Powerful antioxidants
Strong Anti-inflammatory Properties
Beta Carotene, Calcium, Vitamins (B & C)
Trace Minerals

Noni may help:

Support proper digestion and helps the body absorb more nutrients at the cellular level.
Support the body's natural healing process

Gac Contais:

Antioxidants and Carotenoids
10X more Beta Carotene than carrots
70% more Lycopene than tomatoes

Gac may help with:

Defend Against Vascular and Cellular Damage
Protect Against the Effects of Aging
Support Proper Blood Flow
Anti-Inflammatory Concerns
Destroy Cancel Cells
Decrease Prostate Cancer
Immune System
Fight Bacteria and Viruses

Goji contains:

Wide Array of Nutrients and Trace Minerals
19 Amino Acids
More Iron than Spinach and Loaded with Beta Carotene
World's Richest Source of Vitamin C

Goji May Help:

Support Healthy Liver Function
Support Eye and Heart Health
Increase Exercise Tolerance, Stamina and Endurance
Promote Longevity
Support Blood Glucose Control
Insomnia, Headaches, Weight Loss and Aids with Digestion
Relieve Stress and Depression
Diabetics Control Sugar
Control High Blood Pressure

Seabuckthorn Contains:

Flavonoids, Carotenoids, Antioxidants
Folic Acid
Nature's Perfect Multi-Vitamin (A-C-D-E-K)
Omega 3, 6, 7 and 9
190 Bioactive Substances

Seabuckthorn May Help:

Slow Aging
Treat Eczema and Severe Dry Skin
Lower Cholesterol and Tri-Glycerides
Boost Immune System
Inflammation (Pain Reliever), Wound Healing and Tissue Regeneration, Anti-Aging
Combat Stress
Lower Cortisol Secretion

Fucoidon contains:

Powerful Antioxidant Compounds
Many Glyconutrients
Nurtition Closely Resembles Human Breast Milk
Antiviral Properties
Anti-Inflammatory Properties

Fucoidan May help:

Destroy Cancer Cells and Block Tumor Cells From Spreading
Favor Aortic and Cardiovascular Health
Protect the Heart and Decrease Cholesterol and High Blood Pressure
Protect Digestive Tract Lining (Heartburn / Acid Reflux)
Diabetes Control and Maintain Optimal Kidney Function
Enhance Immune Function and Detoxify the Body
Maintain Healthy Blood Flow and Support Proper Joint Functions
Support Circulator System

*FDA disclaimer* The statements and products shown on this presentation have not been evaluated by the US Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

How is Exfuze Seven+ Different than the rest?

There are many so called "Super Juices" on the market right now that contain one or two of these powerful botanicals in them. The down side of these juices is they cost A LOT of money and they taste awful! ExFuze Seven+ incorporates Seven of these powerful botanicals for an outstanding price. We've also found that many of these juices are made from juice concentrate and are not easily absorbed into the body. Independent studies were conducted with these products and with ExFuze Seven +, the results is that Seven + was shown in lab tests to be the most directly absorbed into the body and health benefits were more readily achieved. But don't take our word for it! Hope you enjoyed the review.

I hope you really enjoyed this article, keep on the look out for upcoming articles at my blog!

Are you serious about improving your health and your life? I recommend Seven+ ProFormance by ExFuze since it contains 7 powerful super food antioxidants and more to jumpstart your health. Take control of your health today. Want more info? Go to our blog!

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=James_Fabian


Wednesday, February 16, 2011

How does Juice Plus compare with eXfuze Seven+? A question I'm often asked.

Updated 3/27/18 (original article published 2/16/11):

Juice Plus Orhard and Garden Blend is a good product. I've known about it for many years and my husband was on it for several months back in 2001 with no results to report. The reason it is not on my spreadsheet that many of you have seen is because I'm only comparing the "elite" healing products on the market. JP does not fall into that category.

JP contains the basic fruits and veggies that we have available at the supermarket and/or through organic food co-ops. These are important foods to be consuming in their "natural" form bcs they provide us with much necessary "fiber" to keep our digestion healthy. In JP the fiber has been removed, therefore, you still need to buy those same foods at the store to get the fiber. JP is not 100% organic. It is only about 50%, which is a concern bcs a lot of the foods in it fall into the Dirty Dozen list by EWG. Those are very high pesticide foods that need to be purchased organic only or not purchased at all. If you were to ask me if I would feed JP to my own kids, I would have to say no. Instead I focus on feeding them those types of foods daily in organic form and give them eXfuze Seven+ for their "high level nutrition and healing." And Seven+ is "100% organic." There are so many nutrients in Seven+ that are lacking in JP and that are not available "all together" in any other product. It would cost several hundred dollars (approx. over $500) to attempt to combine all the different types of nutrients that are in one bottle of Seven+.

The bottomline is that when it comes to food, we have 3 categories: good, better, or best. JP falls into "good." There are other products I could refer to as "better" and are competitive price-wise. Then there are products that fall into the "best" category that are very expensive and unattainable for the average person. eXfuze took care of that problem by manufacturing the most expensive product on the market in a form that is the least expensive for the consumer to purchase. Their manufacturer has told them that one bottle of Seven+ costs 4 times more to manufacture than their elite competitors. However, to the consumer it is very affordable bcs we only need to drink 1/2 bottle per month at just $39.50 wholesale or preferred customer as opposed to 4-5 bottles with our competitors at about $150 per month. Why such a big difference? Bcs Seven+ is made from organic wholefood "extracts" not juice conentrates like JP and other companies. Extracts are extremely powerful and have been used for decades to heal people from conditions that had them on their death beds. The science behind extracts is amazing, especially the extracts from the elite types of foods that are in Seven+. That is why eXfuze specifically chose those particular foods to put in the product. They have outright miraculous properties (i.e. my vision improved and arthritis pain disappeared with the first bottle; many other people too). It is truly a miracle in a bottle. Because of this, when ladies who follow my health ministry come to me for recommendations on what supplements they should be taking, I am able to recommend just 3 basic things: Seven+, probiotics, and vitamin D3 (if not getting enough sunshine). Before Seven+ came along, I had to recommend over 12 different supplements instead of just 3. That is the case with JP. If someone consuming JP came to me and asked me what else they should be taking, I would have to recommend another 12 supplements to take in addition to it. But with Seven+ I can do the opposite for people and actually help them eliminate a bunch of their supplements and save tons of money.

Regarding my personal health, I have blood work, eye exams, ultrasounds, and other diagnostic tests showing the dramatic improvements. My medical documentation is so amazing that I was told by two different holistic doctors that had it not been for the improvements I experienced on this product I would be in a wheelchair by now!
P.S. One of my eXfuze distributors whose life has been drastically transformed by Seven+ since her first month on it was taking JP for 2 yrs straight without noticing any health benefits whatsoever. She canceled her JP order right after she started experiencing the amazing benefits of Seven+. She cannot believe the difference in her quality of life now. This is a woman who had been taking anti-depressants for severe depression, sleeping pills for severe sleeping issues, and lived with pain most of her life. She has been able to reduce both meds and quit several of her other supplements, ultimately saving money!

Why should we soak nuts, grains, legumes, and seeds?

Soaking Nuts
by KIMI HARRIS on JULY 18, 2008

If I wasn’t convinced by the opinions of researchers like Sally Fallon about the benefits of soaking grains, legumes, and nuts and seeds, my own experience would have soon convinced me. This is especially true in regard to nuts and seeds. I have often noticed that raw nuts have bothered my stomach slightly, and that I could not eat very many of them without getting an aversion to them. But once I started soaking and dehydrating them, I found, to my delight, that I could handle them very well. Not only that, but I found that they had a much better texture and flavor. There have been several times when I have gotten pumpkin seeds, for example, and tasted them unsoaked and thought they didn’t taste very good. But after soaking them in salt water overnight and dehydrating them, they tasted great. I was hooked.

I would like to introduce you to the concept of why you should soak you nuts and how to do it.

Why Should I Soak Nuts?

Unlike grains, nuts contain smaller amounts of phytic acid. Their real issue for us is having high amounts of enzyme inhibitors. These enzymes are useful to seeds and nuts because it prevents them from sprouting prematurely. But they can really strain your digestive system (which is probably why my body was reacting to them raw).

Soaking your nuts in warm water will neutralize these enzyme inhibitors, and also help encourage the production of beneficial enzymes. These enzymes, in turn, increase many vitamins, especially B vitamins. It also makes these nuts much easier to digest and the nutrients more easily absorbed. And, yes, this is a traditional method of preparation. For example the Aztecs would soak pumpkin or squash seeds in salty water and then, sun dry them. 1

For those of you who soak your grains already, I was curious as to why you used salt instead of a cultured or acidic addition. Sally Fallon answered here.

“Q. When soaking nuts, why is the salt needed?

A. The salt helps activate enzymes that de-activate the enzyme inhibitors. For grains, we soak in an acidic solution to get rid of phytic acid. Nuts do not contain much phytic acid but do contain high levels of enzyme inhibitors. The method imitates the way the native peoples in Central America treated their nuts and seeds–by soaking them in seawater and then dehydrating them.”

(So nuts are prepared slightly differently because they don’t have as much phytic acid, but do have high amounts of enzyme inhibitors.)

Like I said before, if the research didn’t convince me, or if I didn’t care a hoot about what traditional societies did, I would still be convinced by my own experience. I do so much better with soaked nuts, and I like them all the more for their improved taste. I would even prepare them this way solely for the culinary improvement!

The How

While the basic method is the same with all nuts and seeds (soaking in a brine and drying afterwards) there are some slight variations so I will be listing nuts separately. I, once again, owe Sally Fallon the credit for this research. Thank you, Sally Fallon!

The basic method is as follows: Dissolve salt in water, pour over nuts or seeds , using enough water to cover. Leave in a warm place for specified time. Then drain in a colander and spread on a stainless steel pan. Place in a warm oven (no warmer than 150 degrees) for specified time, turning occasionally, until thoroughly dry and crisp. Really make sure they are all the way dry! If not, they could mold and won’t have that crispy wonderful texture. I have found the longer I soak a seed or nut, the longer it takes to dehydrate them.

I use a food dehydrator instead of an oven. It works so well, and keeps my oven free. However, if you don’t have that option, most of us with newer stoves can’t set our ovens at the required 150 degrees Fahrenheit. While I have not personally experimented with this, I have heard of others who leave their ovens cracked to keep the temperature lower or who occasionally open up the oven to also keep the temperature lower. You could put in an oven thermometer to keep track of the temperature. While this would not be the most energy efficient method, it could work. If worse comes to worse, while doing it at 200 degrees (the lowest temperature many stoves will go to) will destroy all those good enzymes and won’t be optimal, I would rather have soaked and slightly toasted nuts then unsoaked nuts.

Pumpkin seeds-Pepitas

4 cups of raw, hulled pumpkin seeds
2 tablespoons sea salt
1 teaspoon cayenne pepper (optional)
filtered water

Soaking Time: At least 7 hours, or overnight
Dehydrating time: 12-24 hours, until dry and crisp

Pecans or Walnuts

4 cups of nuts
2 teaspoons sea salt
filtered water

Soaking time: 7 or more hours (can do overnight)
Dehydrating time: 12-24 hours, until completely dry and crisp.

Pecans can be stored in an airtight container, but walnuts are more susceptible to become rancid so should always be stores in the refrigerator.

Peanuts (skinless), Pine nuts, or Hazelnuts (skinless)

4 cups of raw nuts
1 tablespoon sea salt
filtered water

Soaking time: at least 7 hours or overnight
Dehydrating time:12-24 hours, until completely dry and crisp

Store in an airtight container


4 cups almonds, preferably skinless- SF notes “Skinless almonds will still sprout, indicating that the process of removing their skins has not destroyed the enzymes….[they] are easier to digest and more satisfactory in many recipes. However, you may also use almonds with the skins on. “
1 tablespoon sea salt
filtered water

Soaking time: At least 7 hours, or overnight
Dehydrating Time:12 -24 hours, until completely dry and crisp

* You can also use almond slivers


4 cups of “raw” cashews
1 tablespoon sea salt
filtered water

“Some care must be taken in preparing cashews. They will become slimy and develop a disagreeable taste if allowed to soak too long or dry out too slowly, perhaps because they come to us not truly raw but having already undergone two separate heatings. You may dry them in a 200 to 250 degree oven-the enzymes have already been destroyed during processing. “

Soaking time: 6 hours, no longer
Dehydrate at 200 degrees F: 12-24 hours
Store in an airtight container

Macadamia nuts

4 cups of raw macadamia nuts
1 tablespoon sea salt
filtered water

Soaking time: At least 7 hours or overnight
Dehydrating time: 12-24 hours, until dry and crisp.

1 Nourishing Traditions, 2nd edition, pg 452-453, 512, 513-517

This post is part of Kitchen Tip Tuesday!


The Common Drug that Destroys Your Memory (Statins)

Posted By Dr. Mercola | February 12 2011 |

In this interview, Dr. Duane Graveline, a family doctor with 23 years experience and a former astronaut, discusses the health implications of cholesterol, statin drugs, and coenzyme Q10.

Dr. Mercola's Comments:

Dr. Graveline has an interesting background that makes him particularly suited to speak on the topic of statin drugs. He's a medical doctor with 23 years of experience whose health was seriously damaged by a statin drug. His personal questions brought him out of retirement to investigate statins, which he's been doing for the past 10 years.

As a former astronaut, he would get annual physicals at the Johnson Space Center in Houston. In 1999 his cholesterol hit 280 and he was given a prescription for Lipitor.

"When they suggested Lipitor (10 mg), I went along with it because I had no reason to be particularly worried about statin drugs," he says. "I had used it a year or so before my retirement, but I wasn't a big user."

However, it quickly became apparent that something was seriously wrong.

"It was six weeks later when I experienced my first episode of what was later diagnosed as transient global amnesia," Dr. Graveline says.

"This is an unusual form of amnesia wherein you immediately, without the slightest warning, are unable to formulate new memory and you can no longer communicate. Not because you cannot talk, but you can't remember the last syllable that was spoken to you. So nothing you say is relevant anymore. In addition, you have a retrograde loss of memory, sometimes decades into the past."

He "woke up" about six hours later in the office of a neurologist, who gave him the diagnosis: transient global amnesia. He quit taking the Lipitor despite the reassurances from his doctors that the drug was not of concern, and that it was just a coincidence.

He had no relapses during the remainder of the year, but his cholesterol was still around 280 at his next physical. He was again urged to take Lipitor, and he relented.

"I admit I was concerned, but I had talked to maybe 30 doctors and a few pharmacologists during the interval," Dr. Graveline says. "They all said "statins don't do that." So I allowed myself to go back on statins but this time I took just 5 mg.

…[E]ight weeks later, I had my second, and my worst episode. In this one, I was a 13-year-old high school student for 12 hours... This is what convinced me, when I finally woke up, that something was wrong with the statin drugs. And yet, the doctors were, for years after that, still saying that this was just a remarkable coincidence.

This took me out of retirement and I've been actively involved in researching statin drugs ever since."

Statin Drugs: Not Nearly as Safe as You're Told

Dr. Graveline has since published a book about his discoveries called Lipitor: Thief of Memory.

"In trying to reach an explanation, I called Joe Graedon and asked him if he had ever heard of any unusual reactions associated with statins," Dr. Graveline says of his initial investigations.

He was directed to the statin effects study by Beatrice Golomb in San Diego, California, and his story was also published in a syndicated newspaper column. Within weeks, the web site he had created received reports of 22 cases of transient global amnesia, along with hundreds of cases of cognitive damage. At present, over 2,000 cases of transient global amnesia associated with the use of statins have been reported to FDA's MedWatch.

But cognitive problems are not the only harmful aspect of these drugs. Other serious adverse reactions include:

Personality changes / mood disorders
Muscle problems, polyneuropathy (nerve damage in the hands and feet), and rhabdomyolysis (a serious degenerative muscle tissue condition)
Sexual dysfunction
Immune suppression
Pancreas or liver dysfunction, including a potential increase in liver enzymes
According to Dr. Graveline, a form of Lou Gehrig's disease or ALS may also be a side effect, although the US FDA is resistant to accept the link found by their Swedish counterpart, and has so far refused to issue a warning.

"The World Health Organization (WHO) reported on this in July 2007 when Ralph Edwards, who directs the Vigibase in Sweden (the equivalent of the US MedWatch), reported ALS-like conditions in statin users worldwide," Dr. Graveline says.

He has since forwarded hundreds of cases to MedWatch, but the FDA still has not been moved to act, and doctors are therefore unaware of the connection between this deadly disease and statin use.

"[W]e have anecdotal evidence that if you stop the statin drug early enough, some of these cases regress. That's why we thought it was important that FDA issue a warning, but they haven't," Dr. Graveline says.

Today, all of these adverse effects, including the cognitive problems Dr. Graveline warned about 10 years ago, are supported by published research. MedWatch has received about 80,000 reports of adverse events related to statin drugs, and remember, only an estimated one to 10 percent of side effects are ever reported, so the true scope of statins' adverse effects are still greatly underestimated.

For a more in-depth explanation of how statins damage your mitochondria and DNA, resulting in a variety of health problems, please listen to the interview in its entirety or read through the transcript as he discusses far more than I can include here.

How Statins Harm Your Brain Function

As is often the case with pharmaceutical drugs, the side effects end up teaching us new things about how the human body works. When statins first hit the market, conventional medicine was unaware of the importance of cholesterol for proper brain function. Now, researchers believe that statins' adverse effects on cognition are due to cholesterol insufficiency.

Research also began to emerge in 2001 showing the importance of cholesterol in the formation of memories.

"Then we have… dolichols," Dr. Graveline says. "[W]hen a statin is used, it blocks the mevalonate pathway to get at cholesterol inhibition. It works very beautifully. But in so doing, it blocks CoQ10, dolichols, as well as other major biochemicals…

[D]olichol is one that most doctors have never even heard of before, but it just so happens that dolichols are almost as important as CoQ10 and cholesterol in cell processing."

In fact, dolichols are vital to a number of cellular processes, including:

Glycoprotein synthesis
Cell identification
Cell communication
Neurohormone formation
Dr. Graveline goes on to explain that dolichols influence all the hormones involved with your mental condition, including your emotions and moods. And if you do not have sufficient dolichol, your entire process of neurohormone production will be altered—with potentially devastating results.

"[T]here are thousands of reports of aggressiveness and hostility, increased sensitivity, paranoia, depression and homicidal ideation," Dr. Graveline says.

There are also numerous reports of suicide.

"This whole range of what I call personality- or emotion and behavioral responses have to do with the dolichol deficiency brought on by the mevalonate blockade," Dr. Graveline explains.

"It's not just something that occurs in an occasional person… You know we're all the same and yet we're all different… You give one medicine to 10 people and if you're really lucky, in six of them it will do what it's supposed to do. That's the way it is with this. I expect there are some people that won't get any effects of dolichol suppression because they have alternative pathways. The same thing probably holds for CoQ10."

That said, it's important to realize that your brain also requires cholesterol in order for memory formation to function normally. In essence, statins suppress a number of vital elements for proper brain functioning, including cholesterol, antioxidants and co-factors like CoQ10, and dolichol.

At the same time, statins also create mitochondrial DNA and cellular damage, including in your brain.

Your brain uses glial cells as factories for producing its own cholesterol on demand. Unfortunately, glial cells are affected by statins in the same way as your liver cells, or any other cell in our body. So if you take a statin, you're also harming your glial cells and when they cease to function normally, that on-demand cholesterol capability also ceases and your brain can no longer function properly.

The Importance of CoQ10 or, if You're Over 40, Ubiquinol

It's now clear that if you take statin drugs without taking CoQ10, your health is at serious risk as statin drugs deplete your body of this essential co-enzyme. As your body gets more and more depleted of CoQ10, you may suffer from fatigue, muscle weakness and soreness, and eventually heart failure. Coenzyme Q10 is also very important in the process of neutralizing free radicals.

So when your CoQ10 is depleted, you enter a vicious cycle of increased free radicals, loss of cellular energy, and damaged mitochondrial DNA.

Unfortunately, the majority of people who take statins are unaware of their need for CoQ10, and physicians rarely advise their patients to take this supplement along with their statin—at least in the United States. It's also important to supplement right from the start. According to Dr. Graveline, once the mitochondrial damage and mutations are formed they cannot be reversed—no matter how much CoQ10 you take.

So early intervention is key. (Dr. Graveline goes into further detail of how CoQ10 offers protection against mitochondrial DNA damage in this interview, so for more information, please listen to it in its entirety.)If you decide to take a CoQ10 supplement and are over the age of 40, it's important to choose the reduced version, called ubiquinol.

Ubiquinol is a FAR more effective form—I personally take 1-3 a day as it has far-ranging health benefits. Dr. Graveline concurs with this recommendation.

As for dosage, Dr. Graveline makes the following recommendation:

If you have symptoms of statin damage such as muscle pain, take anywhere from 200 to 500 mg
If you just want to use it preventively, 200 mg or less should be sufficient
There's also evidence that CoQ10/ubiquinol is beneficial for Parkinson's disease and Alzheimer's disease, and even cancer, and that large doses may be justified in those cases as well.

In addition, CoQ10 is believed to play an important role in preventing premature aging in general by preventing telomere shortening, which can slow or potentially even reverse the aging process. This is just one of the additional benefits of CoQ10, and one of the reasons why I take ubiquinol daily even though I've never been on a statin drug.

There are no reported side effects of CoQ10 supplementation, and neither I nor Dr. Graveline have ever heard of anyone overdosing on it. The only drawback is cost.

However, if you're taking ubiquinol, here's some cost-saving information for you.

Certified reduced ubiquinol is only manufactured by one company in the entire world, a Japanese company called Kaneca. They own the patent. So, as long as it's certified ubiquinol, you can buy the cheapest brand you can find, because they're all the same.

Other Valuable Antioxidants for Optimal Health—Especially if You're Taking a Statin

CoQ10, or preferably the reduced version, ubiquinol, is at the top of the list of important supplements when you're taking a statin drug. But there are also other antioxidants and nutrients that can be helpful. For example, selenium is also seriously inhibited by statin drugs, and selenium, along with magnesium, are commonly involved as co-factors in a variety of biological functions.

Other important nutrients include:

Vitamin D
Vitamin E—An emerging form of vitamin E called tocotrienol is 50 times more powerful than tocopherol, which has been used for the past 60 years. It also helps produce cholesterol and has other biochemical advantages
Alpha-lipoic acid
L-carnitine—which helps metabolize fats properly. Since about 70 percent of your muscles' energy comes from fats, it's important to have the ability to metabolize them. INSERT LINE BREAK According to Dr. Graveline: "If you take L-carnitine and find that you suddenly feel much better, then you've just proven you need it for the rest of your life because you're one of those people who have a dysfunction in this capability; you don't have the means to properly burn fats at our muscle level… naturally you would then get weak when exercising. So it's useful for making a diagnosis. If nothing happens after three months of a good dose, then I would say you can forget about L-carnitine."
The Sad Truth: Even Your Doctor has Been Mislead About Cholesterol

That said, aside from taking CoQ10 if you're on a statin, your diet really should be your primary source of nutrients. (For vitamin D, you'd ideally get it from sun exposure.) Supplements are just that; supplemental to an otherwise healthy diet.

"I think that when you have a statin associated muscle or nerve or even brain dysfunction, this is where you've got to go because that's where the trouble is," Dr. Graveline agrees.

"[I]f it's cholesterol inhibition, you just eat more eggs… I can't believe I went 17 years and never ate an egg. I can't believe how gullible I was. I was this young medical doctor; I marched to that band of the cholesterol-causation people… I did everything I was supposed to do, and it was all wrong. I can't believe that I was led astray, maybe for 25 years of my practice! It's so bad to have to look back and realize you've been treating cardiovascular disease erroneously because you were doing what you were asked to do.The sad truth is that cholesterol, our supposed enemy for 35 years, has nothing to do with cardiovascular disease. it is the most important biochemical in your body.

… We all listened to what amounts to brainwashing. The brainwashing that we got from 1955 on, to just recently… They have liberalized the diet stuff recently though, so people are back to eating eggs and drinking whole milk and eating butter. I went around recommending margarine for so long, and margarine is what's causing disease—butter is what's helping to cure it. It's incredible!"

This is true for the majority of our conventional medical professionals. They simply do not know better… which is all the more reason to arm yourself with the information you need to take control of your own health. Shunning statin drugs and addressing your lifestyle is the way to go if you have high cholesterol. For more information, please see my statin index page which includes a plethora of free guidance and clear advice.

More Information

Dr. Graveline covers a lot of information in this interview, so I highly recommend you listen to the entire interview, or read through the transcript. You can also find more information on his web site: www.SpaceDoc.net .

Dr. Graveline's site serves both as a tool for reporting statin complications, and a database of adverse effects, which are then forwarded to the appropriate agencies.
