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I have a health ministry for friends, family, and health lovers world-wide. I'm totally into all-natural and avoid chemicals, food additives, etc. even in my cosmetics. I am working toward eating Vegan, Organic, and raw as much as possible (my family too). I'm married, and have two teen daughters that I homeschooled up until high School and two grown step kids. Optimal Health - God's Way ".....and the fruit thereof shall be for meat (FOOD), and the leaf for MEDICINE." Ezekiel 47:12 KJV

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Breaking News: Mammography- who needs it? NEW GUIDELINES

One more thing. It is not necessary to just sit around and wait until age 50 to find out if you have abnormal breast activity. Prevention is key! Not only can you focus on a plant-based diet, highly-concentrated super-food extracts, iodine, exercise, oxygenated and alkaline water, etc. to prevent breast cancer, but you can opt for Medical Thermal Imaging exams each year in addition to visiting your Ob/Gyn. I have my thermal imaging exam coming up in January at Clermont Herb Shoppe with Audrey Fedrick from Immanuel's Image. I will send the details once I get them from Audrey. Thermal Imaging is wonderful and can detect potential problems "years" before they actually become cancer without the exposure/risk of radiation and the manual pressing of the breast during a mammogram that can actually spread the cancer if you already have it.


-----Original Message-----
From: Miriam Moss [mailto:miriamlovesjesus@cfl.rr.com]
Sent: Tuesday, November 17, 2009 11:02 PM
Subject: Breaking News: Mammography- who needs it? NEW GUIDELINES

Here is an excerpt from the article referenced below in the live link "Click here...

One thing to keep in mind is that mammograms are a medical intervention, and, like all medical interventions, they have benefits and risks. The benefits have to do with finding some cancers early enough to effectively treat them so that fewer women die of breast cancer. The risks are these:

False negative results (mammogram reads as clear, but there is breast cancer present)
False positive results (mammogram shows a problem, but biopsy reveals that the problem is not cancer). False positive results result in unnecessary biopsies, increased anxiety and stress, and physical scarring
Cumulative exposure to radiation. (Radiation is one of the few known causes of breast cancer. All radiation exposures accumulate in the body. Our bodies do not eliminate these exposures.
Diagnosis and treatment of cancers that are not life threatening at the time of diagnosis and will never become life threatening if untreated.
After you read the article, check out the Breast Cancer Action (BCA) group's project "Think Before You Pink" at: http://thinkbeforeyoupink.org/?page_id=13. You will learn about Pinkwashers (companies that purport to care about breast cancer by promoting a pink ribboned product, but manufacture products that are linked to the disease). For example, many cosmetics companies whose products contain chemicals linked to breast cancer also sell their items for the cause.

Tell A Friend!
Dear Miriam,

Did you hear the latest news? On November 16, the US Preventive Services Task Force announced their recommendation that women under 50 not get routine screening mammograms. They also recommend women over 50 have mammograms only once every two years instead of every year. Surprised? At BCA, we weren't.

Breast Cancer Action has been saying for years that there is no evidence that routine screening of women at normal risk for breast cancer aged 40 to 49 saves lives. Now the Preventive Task Force has caught up with us (in Europe, mammograms are given to post-menopausal women every other year, with no worse outcome than the U.S.).

Some people will find these new recommendations confusing and distressing, but we don't and we will explain why -- in common sense terms -- to anyone who asks us about it. Click here for more information.

It's important for every woman to make note of and understand what these new recommendations mean. We're sure your friends also want to stay ahead of the curve when it comes to breast cancer issues. They can do that by clicking here to get BCA's e-alerts:

It takes a long time for breast cancer policy to catch up with what we know. But BCA has been, and will stay ahead of the curve. You know that. That's why you get our e-alerts and support our work.

Thanks so much, and be well!

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