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I have a health ministry for friends, family, and health lovers world-wide. I choose natural options whenever possible and avoid chemicals, food additives, etc. even in my cosmetics. I eat mostly organic whole foods. You’ll find lots of healthy recipes and great health research on this site.

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Swine Flu Alert -- Shocking Vaccine Miscarriage Horror Stories

"My people perish for lack of knowledge." Hosea 4:6

"For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways," declares the LORD. Isaiah 55:8

Here's the knowledge! Please choose life, God's way! Our babies are precious; let's do everything we can to protect their lives in the womb and their future health outside the womb.

Love ya all!
Swine Flu Alert -- Shocking Vaccine Miscarriage Horror Stories
Posted by: Dr. Mercola

November 28 2009 | 34,732 views

U.S. health authorities have made pregnant women one of the highest priority groups for getting the H1N1 swine flu vaccine, but is it actually safe for pregnant women and their babies?
In fact, the package inserts for the swine flu vaccines actually say that the safety of these vaccines for pregnant women has not been established. And miscarriage reports from pregnant women who have taken the H1N1 swine flu vaccine are starting to pour in from all over the nation.
The link below contains stories that will shock and anger you. If you are a pregnant mother, please do not take the H1N1 swine flu vaccine. Instead, do everything that you can do to avoid public places and make sure to wash your hands more than you usually would. Research the many great natural ways there are for fighting the flu.

Sources: Organic Health November 11, 2009


Dr. Mercola's Comments:

As a pro-safety drug and vaccine advocate, I believe it’s imperative to be able to unequivocally prove that a drug or vaccine will cause no harm, AND be able to show that it offers measurable benefit, before releasing it to market. This is especially important when we’re dealing with pregnant women and young children.
Neither is true for the flu vaccine during pregnancy, and even less so for the H1N1 vaccine when given to pregnant women.
Flu vaccine manufacturers clearly indicate that safety and effectiveness of their flu vaccines have not been established for pregnant women and nursing mothers. Ditto for their H1N1 vaccines.
Heartbreaking Stories of Losses After H1N1 Vaccination
The source links above contain personal stories of heartbreak - women who lost their babies just hours or days after getting the H1N1 vaccine this year. Naturally, the standard comeback is that miscarriages are commonplace, and surely have nothing to do with the vaccine. However, to simply dismiss these events as “coincidences” is a serious mistake.
Perhaps some of the 20 women on one of the blogs would have miscarried anyway, but when a number of women have healthy, uneventful pregnancies up until they’re injected with a vaccine, and then suddenly miscarry, it most certainly warrants investigation!
Be Part of the Solution - REPORT All Side Effects to VAERS!
I’m willing to bet that most of these incidents have not been properly reported to the authorities, and this is something everyone needs to be better informed about.
Please know that any time you take a pharmaceutical drug, or are injected with a vaccine of any kind, you need to report any and all side effects to your doctor and insist that he or she report it to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS). Ask to get a copy of the report to make sure it was done.
Also know that YOU can report it yourself! You don’t have to go via your doctor.
The VAERS web site allows you to fill out an adverse event report on your own.
Unfortunately, since reporting side effects to VAERS is voluntary, only one to 10 percent of all side effects are ever reported!
Yet VAERS can serve a vital function, alerting authorities to significant problems with various drugs and vaccines. We NEED this information, because without it, authorities and drug makers can simply continue to say that a drug or vaccine has been used safely for a number of years, without ever having done any real studies and follow up.
The truth is, we know extremely little about the true safety and effectiveness of most drugs and vaccines on the market.
None of the H1N1 Flu Vaccines Have Ever Been Tested on Pregnant Women
If you are willing to be a guinea pig, then so be it. But I urge you not to be. It’s simply not your responsibility to subject yourself to this type of cruel field testing. Know this: the vaccine manufacturers and the doctors administering the shots are legally protected, should something go wrong. You cannot sue them for damages.
If you read the package inserts, you’ll find that NONE of them have ever been tested for safety and effectiveness in pregnant women and nursing mothers, and none of them are recommended for pregnant women “unless clearly needed.”
(And this is something I’ll get to in a moment…)
You also need to understand that no reproduction studies have been done to determine how these flu vaccines (whether for seasonal- or the H1N1 vaccine) affect future fertility, and whether or how they affect a developing fetus.
So truly, YOU are little more than a test subject; a statistic that may or may not be counted, depending on whether your side effects are properly reported and investigated, should something go awry.
In the US, four H1N1 vaccines have achieved FDA approval, and you can read their package inserts by clicking on the hyperlinks below:
MedImmune (intranasal spray)
CSL Biotherapies, Inc.
For more information about these vaccines, and a quick review of each vaccine’s list of ingredients, please see my previous article A Review of Four Approved Swine Flu Vaccines’ Ingredients.
How Effective is the H1N1 Vaccine, Really?
If you read through the package inserts (hyperlinked above) for the injectable, inactivated flu vaccines, you will find the following paragraph:
"Specific levels of HI antibody titers post-vaccination with inactivated influenza virus vaccine have not been correlated with protection from influenza virus. In some human studies, antibody titers of 1:40 or greater have been associated with protection from influenza illness in up to 50% of subjects."
What that paragraph explains, is that, to the best of our knowledge, the vaccine only works in half, or less, of those individuals who attain the specified level of seroconversion after vaccination.
The FDA defines seroconversion as achieving an antibody titer of 1:40.
This means that if a vaccine was 100 percent effective at achieving this level of seroconversion, it would protect up to 50 percent of the recipients of the vaccine.

But none of the vaccines are 100 percent effective at achieving seroconversion.
CSL's vaccine insert , for example, (see pages 11-12), states that their H1N1 vaccine provides seroconversion for:
48.7 percent of people aged 18-65
34 percent for seniors, 65 and older
That means that, at best, their vaccine works in one out of every four people! (49 percent of 50 percent).
Which, of course, means that the vaccine does NOT work in three out of every four people…
Is a 25 percent chance of reaping any sort of benefit worth the risk, especially if you’re pregnant?
Many health officials and doctors say this benefit is worth the risk, and urge pregnant women to get vaccinated with one or both flu vaccines this year. They claim the potential dangers inherent in getting sick with the flu while pregnant is a far more significant than any potential danger from the vaccine.
But is that really true?
How Dangerous is the Flu While Pregnant, and is Flu Vaccination Warranted?
A paper published in the summer 2006 issue of the Journal of American Physicians and Surgeons, titled Influenza Vaccination During Pregnancy: A Critical Assessment of the Recommendations of the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) , concludes that the flu vaccine recommendation for pregnant women should be withdrawn as:
a) flu is rarely a complication for pregnant women, and
b) no safety studies have been done
The authors’ state:
“Influenza vaccination during all trimesters of pregnancy is now universally recommended in the United States. We critically reviewed the influenza vaccination policy of the CDC’s Advisory Committee on Immunization Practice and the citations that were used to support their recommendations.
The ACIP’s citations and the current literature indicate that influenza infection is rarely a threat to a normal pregnancy.
There is no convincing evidence of the effectiveness of influenza vaccination during this critical period.
… The ACIP policy recommendation of routinely administering influenza vaccine during pregnancy is ill-advised and unsupported by current scientific literature, and it should be withdrawn…”
Interestingly, it explains that the ACIP’s recommendations are based on just TWO scientific papers that support the claim that the flu is more serious during pregnancy than at other times, and points out the multiple flaws with each of these two studies.
Here’s an excerpt explaining the lack of true evidence presented by the first study:
“A British study compared maternal and neonatal outcomes in women infected with the influenza virus during the second and third trimesters of pregnancy with those of pregnant, uninfected controls. Only 11% of the 1,659 pregnant subjects had serological evidence of the illness; none had detectable influenza A-specific IgM.
There was also no evidence for transplacental transmission of the influenza virus, or autoantibody production in influenza-complicated pregnancies. Influenza infection had no significant impact on labor outcomes, health of the newborn, or maternal well-being.
The authors claimed that overall “complications” in pregnant women with influenza infection occurred more frequently than in controls; however, no individual complication achieved statistical significance.
Many of the listed complications appeared to be subjective complaints such as chest pain and “taking medication,” rather than specific diagnoses, and some could have been related to comorbid conditions that the authors failed to address.
While there was only one recorded case of pneumonia during pregnancy, an uncommon but serious complication of influenza, all other “complications” lacked biological plausibility.
When such nonspecific complications were excluded, there were no significant differences between the two groups…”
Another interesting fact brought to light in this paper is that, ironically, some of the “evidence” used to create the recommendation for flu vaccination for pregnant women shows that it may cause more harm than good!
“Munoz et al. also failed to demonstrate effectiveness of influenza vaccination in pregnancy during five influenza seasons (1998-2003). Rates of upper respiratory tract infection did not significantly differ between vaccinated and unvaccinated women.
Paradoxically, the authors found four times as many influenza-like illness-related hospitalizations in vaccinated women (2.8% vs 0.7%), an observation similar to that of Neuzil et al (2.2% vs 0.7%) [the second study used to support the ACIP recommendation].
These observations not only challenge vaccine effectiveness, but also raise concern that vaccination actually carries added risk of influenza-like illness.” [Emphasis mine.]
Lastly, the paper questions the rationale for using a polio vaccine study - which was rejected by the Institute of Medicine on the basis of flawed study design - in support of their decision that flu vaccinations are safe for pregnant women.
The authors called the decision “peculiar.”
Final Thoughts
Hopefully, this information will help you weigh the risks and benefits to make a more educated decision for yourself and your family. No one can, nor should, make this decision for you.
I urge you to continue educating yourself about vaccines before yet another generation is lost to medical arrogance and greed.

Related Links: Latest H1N1 Swine Flu Alerts

Expert Pediatrician Exposes Vaccine Myths

Why is Canada Changing Its Flu Vaccine Policy?

Common Links in Swine Flu Deaths...

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Breaking News: Mammography- who needs it? NEW GUIDELINES

One more thing. It is not necessary to just sit around and wait until age 50 to find out if you have abnormal breast activity. Prevention is key! Not only can you focus on a plant-based diet, highly-concentrated super-food extracts, iodine, exercise, oxygenated and alkaline water, etc. to prevent breast cancer, but you can opt for Medical Thermal Imaging exams each year in addition to visiting your Ob/Gyn. I have my thermal imaging exam coming up in January at Clermont Herb Shoppe with Audrey Fedrick from Immanuel's Image. I will send the details once I get them from Audrey. Thermal Imaging is wonderful and can detect potential problems "years" before they actually become cancer without the exposure/risk of radiation and the manual pressing of the breast during a mammogram that can actually spread the cancer if you already have it.


-----Original Message-----
From: Miriam Moss [mailto:miriamlovesjesus@cfl.rr.com]
Sent: Tuesday, November 17, 2009 11:02 PM
Subject: Breaking News: Mammography- who needs it? NEW GUIDELINES

Here is an excerpt from the article referenced below in the live link "Click here...

One thing to keep in mind is that mammograms are a medical intervention, and, like all medical interventions, they have benefits and risks. The benefits have to do with finding some cancers early enough to effectively treat them so that fewer women die of breast cancer. The risks are these:

False negative results (mammogram reads as clear, but there is breast cancer present)
False positive results (mammogram shows a problem, but biopsy reveals that the problem is not cancer). False positive results result in unnecessary biopsies, increased anxiety and stress, and physical scarring
Cumulative exposure to radiation. (Radiation is one of the few known causes of breast cancer. All radiation exposures accumulate in the body. Our bodies do not eliminate these exposures.
Diagnosis and treatment of cancers that are not life threatening at the time of diagnosis and will never become life threatening if untreated.
After you read the article, check out the Breast Cancer Action (BCA) group's project "Think Before You Pink" at: http://thinkbeforeyoupink.org/?page_id=13. You will learn about Pinkwashers (companies that purport to care about breast cancer by promoting a pink ribboned product, but manufacture products that are linked to the disease). For example, many cosmetics companies whose products contain chemicals linked to breast cancer also sell their items for the cause.

Tell A Friend!
Dear Miriam,

Did you hear the latest news? On November 16, the US Preventive Services Task Force announced their recommendation that women under 50 not get routine screening mammograms. They also recommend women over 50 have mammograms only once every two years instead of every year. Surprised? At BCA, we weren't.

Breast Cancer Action has been saying for years that there is no evidence that routine screening of women at normal risk for breast cancer aged 40 to 49 saves lives. Now the Preventive Task Force has caught up with us (in Europe, mammograms are given to post-menopausal women every other year, with no worse outcome than the U.S.).

Some people will find these new recommendations confusing and distressing, but we don't and we will explain why -- in common sense terms -- to anyone who asks us about it. Click here for more information.

It's important for every woman to make note of and understand what these new recommendations mean. We're sure your friends also want to stay ahead of the curve when it comes to breast cancer issues. They can do that by clicking here to get BCA's e-alerts:

It takes a long time for breast cancer policy to catch up with what we know. But BCA has been, and will stay ahead of the curve. You know that. That's why you get our e-alerts and support our work.

Thanks so much, and be well!

What's in your calcium/mineral supplement (lead, mercury, arsenic, nickel)?

In California, proposition 65 makes all manufacturers limit the amount of heavy metals in minerals such as (lead, mercury, arsenic, nickel). So there are standards in CA. Other states do not have the same standards, therefore, if your manufacturer is located in another state; they don't have these standards, by law. This means that the majority of minerals sold in the US have high amounts of these heavy metals. Also, check your supplements, and if they contain minerals as a part of the formula, the minerals probably contain high amounts of heavy metals. Remember, there is no Minimum Daily Requirement for these toxic heavy metals.
The most common form of calcium supplement today is derived from limestone. You don’t eat rocks as part of your balanced diet, why would you choose to supplement your bone health nutritional needs with limestone?
There are pure and much more effective and absorbable forms of calcium than tablets/capsules. Angstrom Minerals offer a much better solution for strong bones. See Bone Structure Support on www.ewater.com/2020. You also need sunshine for Vitamin D and weight-bearing exercise. It's possible that once you get your body into an alkaline state on a consistent basis, you may not even need calcium supplements anymore because you will have halted the acidity that was causing your body to steal calcium from your bones to neutralize the acid in your stomach. If you eat a diet rich in plant-based calcium (i.e. dark leafy greens, algae/seaweed, etc.) you can go a long way in preventing bone loss. Calcium from animal products like dairy actually worsens the situation because dairy contributes to the acidity problem.
If you have Osteo-Pena or Osteoporosis, monitor it regularly with bone density tests and see how you are doing. The body's self-healing mechanism is incredible, and bone can be re-built!

All for God's Glory,
Miriam Moss

Miriam's Protein Shake Recipe

I know it does not sound appetizing from the ingredients, but it actually tastes pretty good and is super healthy with tons of amino acids and protein. It's kind of a knock-off of Vega, which is very expensive at Health Food stores. It's also vegan, mostly raw, and mostly organic.

It contains about 25 grams of protein. We just put everything in a blender ball shaker cup, shake, and go.

1 TBS Nutribiotic Organic Vegan Rice Protein Vanilla powder (made from sprouted brown rice)
1 TBS Now Sports Pea Protein powder (non GMO)
1 TBS Nutiva Organic Hemp Protein Powder 50% protein
1/2 TBS (or more if you like) Now Carob Powder
1 TBS Omega Nutrition Organic Hi-Lignan Flax Oil
5-8 drops Sweet Leaf Liquid Stevia (for sweetness)
8 oz of Silk Almond Milk original (or home-made preferably)

All of the ingredients are available on www.Luckyvitamin.com, except for the almond milk. You can get the milk at almost all supermarkets. Best to make it yourself (see recipe on www.hacres.com).


Friday, November 20, 2009

Cancer News You Need to Know | November 2009 (featuring Olympic skater Dorothy Hamill)

The Cancer Project is a great outreach that was born out of the findings in the China Study. Our tax dollars paid for the 27-year study, however, our government failed to share the results with us due to political lobby pressure from the meat, dairy, and pharmaceutical industries. The Cancer Project is now teaching us how to prevent and reverse cancer using what God provided in nature and proven clinically by the China Study!

Be blessed and be healthy,

[Miriam Moss] -----Original Message-----
From: The Cancer Project [mailto:info@cancerproject.org]
Sent: Friday, November 20, 2009 4:21 PM
To: miriamlovesjesus@cfl.rr.com
Subject: Cancer News You Need to Know | November 2009

Dorothy Hamill Ad Expresses Support for The Cancer Project » Expanding Outreach Efforts » Combined Federal Campaign » Creative Support Making a World of Difference » Diet and Cancer in the News

Dorothy Hamill Ad Expresses Support for The Cancer Project

After Olympic champion figure skater Dorothy Hamill was diagnosed with breast cancer last year, she read The Cancer Survivor’s Guide: Foods that Help You Fight Back. She was so impressed by The Cancer Project’s work that she decided to star in a print advertisement highlighting the importance of good nutrition in cancer prevention and survival.

“Your body is an instrument of expression—and mine still has a lot to say,” Hamill says in the Cancer Project ad, which is being distributed to newspapers and magazines. Hamill continues to pursue an active life of mentoring young skaters, motivational speaking, writing, television appearances, and charity work.


The Food for Life Program was launched in 2001 to help cancer survivors take advantage of the healing power of foods.
Expanding Outreach Efforts

The Cancer Project’s Food for Life Program continues to expand nationwide. This November 13 new instructors will be joining the Food for Life team, which will enable the cooking and nutrition class program to now be offered in 29 states and 150 cities, including the following new states: Alabama, Minnesota, Missouri, New Mexico, and Wisconsin. New instructors are eager to empower cancer survivors, friends, and family members with easy-to-implement cooking skills that turn every meal into a delicious dose of healthy nutrition. To find out if there is a class near you, please visit our class resource page. Although the application window is closed for prospective candidates, we are seeking a Food for Life instructor from the state of Mississippi. Please contact info@cancerproject.org to learn more about this position or to bring classes to your community.


The Combined Federal Campaign (CFC): #12133

The Cancer Project is very pleased to participate again this year in the Combined Federal Campaign (CFC), the country’s largest workplace giving campaign, which provides federal employees the opportunity to contribute to their favorite charities from Sept. 1 through Dec. 15. We are delighted to highlight our new CFC ad, featuring Food for Life Nutrition and Cooking Class instructor Lisa Davis, who teaches at several federal buildings in the Washington, D.C. area. Please note our five-digit CFC number (12133) when you designate your workplace gift so we can continue to provide classes like Lisa’s nationwide. Thank you!


Creative Support Making a World of Difference

Every year, Carl Cuda of Bethel, Pa., organizes a popular car cruise in his community to raise money for charity. After attending a Food for Life class, Cuda—a cancer survivor—decided to have all proceeds from this year’s event support The Cancer Project! More than 1,000 people attended the September car cruise and approximately $4,000 was donated to strengthen The Cancer Project’s efforts to promote cancer prevention and survival.

Kyle Hall of The Bronx, N.Y., recently dedicated his participation in the New York City Marathon to help raise awareness and funds for The Cancer Project—the organization has helped him introduce healthy eating to many of his family members, friends, and colleagues who may not otherwise understood the links between nutrition and incidence of cancer. A vegan diet helped him recover from a 2002 cancer diagnosis and today it provides him with the energy needed to run marathons. Hall successfully finished the race in 2:58:18 and his efforts raised $1,870 to help continue the fight against cancer.

Saladmaster has been a dedicated corporate supporter for some time, but Rob Weseman recently became the first Saladmaster dealer to designate The Cancer Project as his official charity of choice! Weseman will be donating up to $20 for every dinner hosted by his team, Lone Star Health Systems in Euless, Texas, (serving all of Dallas-Fort Worth). Weseman explains, “I support The Cancer Project because you can’t ever put enough money into prevention. What you eat and the way you prepare your food can literally change your whole life.”

If you are organizing a creative fundraiser to benefit The Cancer Project, please let us know! We’d love to recognize your efforts and provide you with information and literature to pass along at your event. Please contact bwason@cancerproject.org.


Diet and Cancer in the News …

Colorectal Cancer Rates Rising
Colorectal cancer is becoming steadily more common among young adults, according to an American Cancer Society analysis. Incidence rates among adults ages 20 to 49 increased 1.5 percent per year in men and 1.6 percent per year in women from 1992 to 2005. The increase may be tied to rising rates of obesity, a major risk factor for colorectal cancer. Increased consumption of meat (especially in fast food) over the past three decades could also be a key factor. Previous studies have suggested that diets free of red and processed meats and rich in plant-based foods may significantly reduce colorectal cancer risk.

Siegel RL, Jemal A, Ward EM. Increase in incidence of colorectal cancer among young men and women in the United States. Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev. 2009;18:1695-1698.

Soy Foods Offer Breast Cancer Protection
Soy foods provide protection against premenopausal breast cancer when they are consumed during adolescence and perhaps even as an adult, according to new findings from the Shanghai Women’s Health Study. Researchers assessed the diets of more than 73,000 Chinese women during adulthood and adolescence. Those with the highest intake of soy protein or isoflavone had about half the risk of premenopausal breast cancer compared with those with the lowest soy intake, regardless of age at time of consumption. The study found no significant association between soy foods and the risk of postmenopausal breast cancer.

Lee S, Shu X, Li H, et al. Adolescent and adult soy food intake and breast cancer risk: results from the Shanghai Women’s Health Study. Am J Clin Nutr. 2009;89:1920-1926.

Vegetarians Less Prone to Cancer
Vegetarians are 12 percent less likely to develop cancer, compared with meat eaters, according to a recent study in the British Journal of Cancer. After following 61,000 meat eaters and vegetarians for more than 12 years, researchers also discovered that rates of cancers of the blood—such as leukemia, multiple myeloma, and non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma—were reduced by as much as 45 percent among those following a vegetarian diet. Previous studies have shown that vegetarians have as much as a 40 percent reduced risk for all cancers.

Key TJ, Appleby PN, Spencer EA, et al. Cancer incidence in British vegetarians. British Journal of Cancer. 2009;101:192-197.

Red Meat and Dairy Products Increase Pancreatic Cancer Risk
Fat from red meat and dairy products is associated with an increased risk of pancreatic cancer, a new study finds. As part of the National Institutes of Health-AARP Diet and Health Study, researchers analyzed the diets of more than 525,000 participants to determine whether there is an association between dietary fat and pancreatic cancer. This same study found no association between fats from plant foods and pancreatic cancer risk.

ThiƩbaut ACM, Jia L, Silverman DT, et al. Dietary fatty acids and pancreatic cancer in the NIH-AARP Diet and Health Study. J Natl Cancer Inst. 2009;101:1001-1011.

Advancing cancer prevention and survival
through nutrition education and research.

Copyright 2008. All rights reserved.
The Cancer Project, 5100 Wisconsin Avenue N.W., Suite 400, Washington, D.C. 20016
T: 202-244-5038 | F: 202-686-2216 | info@CancerProject.org | www.cancerproject.org/
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Thursday, November 12, 2009

Sodium Benzoate info.

-----Original Message-----
From: Miriam Moss [mailto:miriamlovesjesus@cfl.rr.com]
Sent: Thursday, July 23, 2009 4:30 PM
To: Allen Moss
Subject: Sodium Benzoate info.


All for God's Glory,
Miriam Moss

Phenoxyethanol: Preservative with Dirty Past

-----Original Message-----
From: Miriam Moss [mailto:miriamlovesjesus@cfl.rr.com]
Sent: Thursday, July 23, 2009 4:52 PM
To: Lourdes Bulnes
Subject: Phenoxyethanol: Preservative with Dirty Past


All for God's Glory,
Miriam Moss

DR OZ SHOW TODAY: What to do to avoid the DANGERS of DRINKING and BATHING WATER (the bathing issue is especially important for KIDS!)

-----Original Message-----
From: Miriam Moss [mailto:miriamlovesjesus@cfl.rr.com]
Sent: Wednesday, October 21, 2009 10:57 PM
The shower filter and whole house filter he showed look exactly like the ones on www.ewater.com/2020.

By the way, I just bought the whole house filter and love it! No more yucky smell when opening the faucets and much different hair-washing experience! When you get a whole house filter on the above website you also get a free reverse-osmosis system for the drinking water (choice of under or over-the-counter system). Click on the special combo on the home page that says "LIMITED TIME OFFER." According to Fred Van Liew, the Water Doctor, even if you get the best whole house filter, you still need to use a reverse-osmosis system (or distiller) for the drinking water to get optimum purity. Then you oxygenate, alkalize, and re-mineralize it the right way.

Video of the show's water segment:

All for God's Glory,
Miriam Moss